VIDEO: Democrats boo the military, yell ‘lies’ at former DefSec Panetta – IOTW Report

VIDEO: Democrats boo the military, yell ‘lies’ at former DefSec Panetta


It’s 1968 all over again.

That was the year leftists condemned the U.S. military at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and the scene reared its ugly head again in Philadelphia Wednesday night.

As former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta complimented the troops, many in the crowd at the DNC disagreed by booing and shouting “lies!” at him.

5 Comments on VIDEO: Democrats boo the military, yell ‘lies’ at former DefSec Panetta

  1. The funny thing is if ISIS actually took time away from their busy schedules from raping goats, shagging sheep, beheading priests, women and children and actually followed through with their threats of a mass event these idiots would blame America.

    Judge a candidate not only by their record but by the type of people they draw unto themselves.

  2. Since this isn’t, actually, the DNC, I can’t see a howl of “They ate chocolate chip cookies, so they’re trying to force a military reunification of Northern and Republican Ireland!” convincing many people that travel these parts.

    Unless, you actually meant that The USA is a colonial servant of Israel, and those that defy the masterland actually are disloyal colonials. I think some people, especially the British, would agree with that. At least, occasionally. Though, rarely.

  3. In case anyone actually is confused, that last comment was in response to “Unruly refugee July 28, 2016 at 2:32 am”, not the thread proper. I’d expect many that travel these parts to grasp that. But some might not, and some might claim not to.

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