Teacher who had sex with student blames the school – IOTW Report

Teacher who had sex with student blames the school

EAG: CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – A substitute teacher in Iowa is blaming the Cedar Rapids Community School District for a year-long affair with a 17-year-old student that she claims district officials “allowed” to happen.

[…] Haglin told KGAN her past relationships, and her placement at Washington High School, contributed to her actions.

“Previous abusive relationships led me into this. The environment that the school put me in didn’t help to curb anything,” she said.

26 Comments on Teacher who had sex with student blames the school

  1. Geez, talk about failure to take responsibility for ones actions. No offense meant to the ladies here, but I have noticed that this is becoming a trend among feminists lately. But, in all fairness, males do tend to contribute to this attitude by letting women get away with this kind of crap. Sentences are nowhere near as harsh for women who have sex with underage males, while males who do the same thing usually get a decade or two behind bars, and get to register as a sex offender too.

  2. What a stupid, selfish whore. Her argument basically rests on the assumption that no adult woman can be held responsible for the choices she makes. Yeah, that’s a great legal precedent there you dumb cunt. Here’s a better idea. Grow the fuck up, and date guys just one year older, and you’re home free… dumbass.

  3. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:

    Where were all these horny, sex-crazed, hottie teachers when I was a teenager in high school?!!!

    (Yeah, yeah, I know…they weren’t born yet.)


  4. By the same logic, when a crazed armed black life threatens police with a weapon, even shooting a few cops in the process, and the cops don’t fire a single shot back and treat him like an innocent 5 year old who stole a penny candy from the jar, that black life can protest because the cops didn’t do their job. Got it… I think.

  5. No, no, no. The “someone else is responsible” defense is so yesterday – today’s defense is “no intent.” As in “I did not intend to have sex with a student under 18.” Or “I did not intend to have sex with a mammal not of the homo sapiens species.” Take some responsibility, but deny the intent and you walk – and maybe be nominated for President some day.

  6. In the same light, hillary was put into a position by obama even though he knew she was a conniving, inept, lying bitch who had been investigated numerous times. It IS Obama’s fault for making her Sec. of State knowing she couldn’t be trusted.

    Side Note: McCain carried water for Hillary in the Senate confirmation process.

    Legacy of Obama and McCain.

  7. Speaking as a former 17-year-old male, can we all just be honest here for a second and admit that it’s physically impossible for a reasonably attractive woman to rape a 17-year-old male?

    Yeah, he’s underage, which makes this statutory. Yeah, she’s an authority figure, and you can argue she abused her power. Yeah, I’m sure she’s fucked in the head for doing it in the first place.

    But it is *not* rape. There is absolutely no way on this earth or any other that the boy was not a 150% willing participant. If I had had a teacher who looked like that sling it at me when I was in school, neither of us would have been walking straight for weeks.

  8. Doesnt she look like the type that would get all stabby
    When you annoy her?

    When does she sue the boy’s parents for giving birth to a much too enticing piece if jailbait?

  9. Actually, she may have violated school policy and community morals, but she apparently didn’t break the law. I just looked up the age of consent in Iowa, and it’s 16. So even if the affair had been going on for year, he was still legal.

    The age of consent here in Texas is 17, and I know this because I – um, – that is, I found out because, uh, well… because a friend told me! Yeah, that’s it – a friend told me what it was.


  10. I should always read the whole story before commenting. I just noticed they have some kind of law there against “sexual exploitation by a school employee”.

    If you ask me, it sounds like just another way to deny healthy teenage males a much-needed outlet for their normal sexual desires. Written by a buncha spoilsport do-gooders, probably…


  11. I wouldn’t want that to happen to my son. I much rather he courts and marries a woman, and stays with her all of their days.

    I find “casual” sex despicable.

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