Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower Peaks Thursday and Friday – IOTW Report

Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower Peaks Thursday and Friday

PopularMechanics: Make sure you remember to look up tonight. The first meteor shower of the summer, the Delta Aquarids, is scheduled to peak Thursday and Friday. The best viewing times will be late at night and early in the morning, before dawn. The shower should be clearly visible to anyone in the Northern Hemisphere, provided you have clear skies.

The Delta Aquarids typically produce about 15 to 20 meteors per hour during their peak. While they’re not the brightest meteors, you’ll definitely see a few if you watch long enough. MORE

18 Comments on Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower Peaks Thursday and Friday

  1. The robins will be happy. You’ve never seen an army of robins until you’ve seen a hard rain around here. Armies. Colour Sergeants, Leff-tenants, battle flags all.

  2. And the General, sitting in a tree, saying, “There’s worms about, confound it!” He happens to be a red-winged blackbird — noisy; a blackguard; an idle beggar.

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