Up Next: Mangerie – IOTW Report

Up Next: Mangerie

They’re making lingerie for dudes now.

/NYP/  When it comes to style, guys are starting to have way more fun:donning skirts, braiding their hair and even applying lipstick and highlighter to their faces.

But there is one trend even the most adventurous dudes have yet to fully embrace: lingerie.

One line is trying to change that. Menagerié — we would have gone with “Mangerié” — offers silky boxers, lace pajamas and other fancy unmentionables just for guys. But if you’re imagining flouncy pink Victoria’s Secret rip-offs, you’ve got the wrong idea.   MORE

h/t UDD.

25 Comments on Up Next: Mangerie

  1. Everyday there is some new story about some new thing that shows how fucked up this country is.

    The Russians and Chinese must be laughing their asses off just waiting for the right time.

  2. A number of years ago I decided to retire from dating. I had just suffered the indignity of having the love of my life leave me for another woman–for the second time. My logic at that time was that, now in my 50s, I didn’t have time for bullshit relationships that went nowhere.

    You couldn’t pay me to go out on a date now.

  3. Oh, damn. Another assault on masculinity. What the hell?

    I suppose it would be good for cross-dressing women?

    I wonder if I’ll be able to NOT envision president Obama wearing that! Or even worse, on any male?

    I’m beginning to understand ‘man caves’. The last bastion of what little masculinity is left. But, the snow flakes of the new androgynous world have probably turned those into ‘safe places’.

    Damn the ‘utopian world order’. If God wanted robots, He would have had a lot less headaches and heartaches populating the world with them, rather than humans, who aren’t so humane and are quickly self destructing.

  4. When the moslims come for our women, they can kiss their asses adios. The tree of decades of demasculinizing feminism wanted will bear rotten fruit.

    Think not? Take one look at Europe. Tell me in 1600 Frenchmen or German or Swedes would have had nights where 1,000s of their women were sexually assaulted and DONE NOTHING. Are you fucking kidding me? The streets would be lined with moslim scum hanging from lamps with pig guts wrapped around their necks and their cocks stuffed in their mouths.

    I got a news flash for you-any man(?) that’s wearing that shit wants to(or is) sucking dick. Fucking fags.

  5. For years, while working outside in the bitter cold, I wore panty hose. Lighter and better than long johns. That was before Joe Namath wore them. Yes, I had to cut a slit………….
    Fags ruin everything.

  6. Didn’t Kramer already invent a bra for men, the “mansierre”, on Seinfeld? That was in the ’90s and it was for laughs. Are they serious with this lingerie for men?

  7. I don’t see what the big deal is. There’s nothing new here. Men have been wearing frilly things and putting on make-up for who knows how long.

    They’re called faggots.

  8. What I don’t understand is the wide elastic bands they put on men’s underwear these days.
    Totally uncomfortable but hard to find some without that wide-assed band.

    And yes Tommy, as a kid we wore hose underneath our pants when it was blistering cold.
    Didn’t care, didn’t want to freeze.
    Now they have specific long underwear that is nice and toasty.

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