GPS tells driver to turn around – IOTW Report

7 Comments on GPS tells driver to turn around

  1. As much as I hate regulations, I’m thinking it might not be a bad idea for some people (progressives mainly) to be required to take a mental capacity test before they are allowed to purchase a GPS unit, or a car. For the safety of others, of course.

  2. Using an old fashioned map would never leave you stranded up on a telephone pole unless you’re really stupid. And they want us to have self driving cars. True story, when I was taking drivers ed back in the fall of 1968 and the first time my drivers ed teacher Mr. Allen took us out to learn how to drive he told me to turn right and so I did right through a persons yard. He told my Mom that she really needed to get out and help me to learn to drive. But I survived that and am still driving nearly 48 years later.

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