Bernie Sanders Has Always Been a Failure – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Has Always Been a Failure

Breitbart: If you are going to start a revolution, you probably want to finish it. Either win or die trying. That is why revolutions are always so bloody. Whatever you do, if you start a real movement and then try to sell it away, don’t be surprised if you lose control.

The problem with Bernie Sanders is that he has been a loser his entire political life. Sure, he has won a few elections. But in terms of vision and ideas, he has always been a failure.

During his quarter-century in Congress, Mr. Sanders has been viewed as something of a gadfly with Tourette’s syndrome. Always dressed like a homeless person shambling along the hallways, Democrats felt sorry for him and let him into their meetings. He looked like he needed a cup of coffee and free danishes.  more here

8 Comments on Bernie Sanders Has Always Been a Failure

  1. Yeah old-oaks, but it was completely accidental on his part. He spouted the craziest leftist agenda they could think of in order to make hilLIARy look like a moderate, and make dems think they were being given a choice. I think Bernie was as surprised as anyone else when he gained such a huge following. I think for about 5 minutes he let it go to his head, until the party apparatus reeled him back in.

  2. The scary thing is all the leftists that were following him are also all failures (or in the case of the young – failures to launch). Bernie is a mean, angry old guy and he tapped into that anger that is ever present in the left. That left wing circus may cause Hillary some problems but in the long run we are all screwed if we can’t win a national election.

  3. Bernie, luckily, won his first election as progressive mayor of Burlington by a handful of votes against a 20 year corrupt democratic regime mostly with the help of a large college student turn out. Unfortunately, given the state of public education, young college age youth are ignorant of history and the reality of socialism and communism so his rants of free everything is willing absorbed. He lost his few state-wide runs as a progressive. When he, deceivingly, switched to independent he won his election to Congress. Of course he was helped because the Republican candidate stepped on the third rail when he mentioned gun control. Bernie has always been a one-trick pony firmly planted in the 1960s If had to depend on work in the real world he would still be living in his first Vermont home–a cabin in the woods without running water or electricity.

  4. One could make the same argument against Hillary. I’ve researched her work history and can only find four (4) documented jobs in the the private, for-profit sector as follows:

    #1 and 2: In the summer following her graduation from Wellesley, she took off on an “adventure” as young people of that era were wont to do. She spent the summer in Alaska and worked as a dishwasher (presumably as a means of self-support) and then at a salmon processing plant, from which she was fired following her whistleblowing adventures re health conditions at the plant.

    #3. Worked as a summer intern at the law firm of Bob Treuhaft, a known radical organization filthy with Communists. Not sure if the internship was paid or voluntary.

    #4. Worked for several years at The Rose Law Firm. I am going to suggest that there is no way she would have landed this plum position without her ties to Bill Clinton.

    And so we have another failure with absolutely NO concept of the frustrations of ordinary, “everyday” American workers running for office, wanting to dictate the terms and conditions of OUR employment. I’m giving this one two thumbs down.

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