Ex-Muslim: Muhammad enticed his men to fight jihad by promising them blonde female sex slaves – IOTW Report

Ex-Muslim: Muhammad enticed his men to fight jihad by promising them blonde female sex slaves

JihadWatch: Ismaa’eel Abu Adam, a former Islamic apologist who has now left Islam, explains from Islamic sources how Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, enticed his men to fight jihad by promising them blonde female sex slaves. In doing so, he sheds some light on why Muslim migrants have committed so many rapes and sexual assaults in Europe, and continue to do so.  VIDEO

8 Comments on Ex-Muslim: Muhammad enticed his men to fight jihad by promising them blonde female sex slaves

  1. It’s *not* “rape”!
    It’s merely a culturally different,
    equally valid form of LOVE.

    Time to shove the Left’s
    multicultural relativism
    up their collective a§$es at every opportunity!

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