Missing Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner, Al-Qaeda Fan Found in Venezuela – IOTW Report

Missing Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner, Al-Qaeda Fan Found in Venezuela

Breitbart: Jihad Ahmad Diyab, a former Guantánamo Bay detainee who was released to Uruguay as part of a deal between the White House and the socialist government of former President José Mujica, has surfaced in Venezuela after his disappearance a month ago. He is demanding to be flown to Turkey to reunite with his Syrian family.

The Associated Press reports that Uruguayan officials have confirmed that Diyab has resurfaced at the Uruguayan consulate in Caracas, demanding to be sent anywhere but Uruguay, but preferring Turkey. “He expressed clearly that in no case was he interested in returning to Uruguay, but required the assistance of our country for his proposal,” the Uruguayan Foreign Ministry confirmed in a statement.    More

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