Trump: Clinton shouldn’t get security briefs – IOTW Report

Trump: Clinton shouldn’t get security briefs

From last night- Trump responds to Democrats’ suggestions that he shouldn’t get intel briefs because of Russia remarks, criticism of his RNC speech, his tax records and more.

14 Comments on Trump: Clinton shouldn’t get security briefs

  1. As one who follows Scott Adams’ blog, I find it interesting that he has yet to comment on the Dems’ “Treasonous Trump” label. Hillary obviously thinks she has a kill shot, but maybe she called in artillery on her own position in an attempt to hit Trump.

  2. This is more media bullshit. What Trump said verbatim was:
    “I will tell you this. Russia, if you’re able to find those 30
    thousand emails that are missing, I think you will be rewarded
    mightily by our press. Let’s see what happens.”
    Pure Trump. He was hitting the media and, naturally, they left that part out. I wouldn’t trust Killary with plans for an Arkansan shit house, you know? the honey bucket type.
    The media suck!

  3. Hillary is SELLING AMERICA to the Russians, piece by piece, for her own financial gain, with total disregard for the security of the nation.

    The first thing everybody I talk to says about her is “why isn’t that bitch in prison?”

    The bitch cannot be trusted.

  4. How do you hack a server that supposedly no longer exists?

    Further we’re talking about 30k emails about Hellery making baby shower plans and yoga routines. Hardly a national security issue.

    Wait, we are talking about dredging dirt up on the queen. Maybe that’s a security issue for the dumbshits who support this bitch.

  5. “we’re talking about 30k emails about Hellery making baby shower plans and yoga routines. Hardly a national security issue.” Yeah, so why did she have to delete them? Wouldn’t emails like that make her look more ‘human, compassionate, caring’ like the MSM is always carping on about?

  6. The left and the their media lapdogs bitch and run stories about Trump’s tax returns but when Obama refused to release his Harvard and Princeton mark transcripts there was nary a beep even from Fox. In addition it’s still unclear where he took the over one million dollars in legal fees fighting the release of his marks (every other President and candidate in recent history has released theirs). If it was from campaign coffers it’s illegal and it’s hard to see where else the money came from especially at the beginning of his campaigning in 2006/2007 when he was just another candidate.

  7. She gave Bill’s used briefs to Goodwill and claimed a tax deduction on their 1991 1040 tax form.
    Cheap bitch.

    The same year Al Gore claimed $250 on his 1991 tax return. I believe his income was north of $200k. Typical Democrat. Another cheap asshole.

  8. Trump should not be getting security briefings
    (as nominees of both parties traditionally have gotten),
    but the stupid HAG that has been documented by the FBI to have treated top level Classified Material in a RECKLESS and SLOPPY manner FOR YEARS.
    she should get these briefings ??!???!!!


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