What the Dems know about Kate’s Law and The Constitution – IOTW Report

What the Dems know about Kate’s Law and The Constitution

Jesse Watters asks Democrats at the DNC what they know about ‘Kate’s Law’ and if they support it on ‘The O’Reilly Factor’.

Pay close attention to what NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo says. 

8 Comments on What the Dems know about Kate’s Law and The Constitution

  1. States and municipalities don’t have to obey FedGov law (nothing said about Constitutionality). Yet states pass unConstitutional laws.
    Let’s see how far WWNC can reach, for everyone.
    WWNC = We Will Not Comply.

  2. It’s a matter of contention between federal and local law. I’m not for sanctuary cities, but if localities want it, they should be able to have it. But then the locality needs to deal with their decision. So it’s no wonder all the sanctuaries are shit holes.

    I guess what I’m getting at is state rights over burdensome federal oversight. In that sense, I just avoid the places that want felons, illegals, murderers and rapists living among them. I haven’t been to Chicago (35 miles away) in almost a decade, with the exception of catching a flight.

  3. Really Cuomo? Where does the right to disobey a law stop then?. Can I pick & choose which ones I’m going to obey? I guess I’ll stop filing 1040s and paying property tax because…me.

    Of course the racist Ben Jealous turns every fucking thing back to blacks and the supposed boot that’s on their collective throats. I would have slapped his. pawing hands away if he started that crap with me.

    What a fucking freak show. Naturally Rather shows up there. Barry Frank talks like he’s still got last night’s dick in his mouth.

  4. Interesting how all of a sudden this nanny-government, Federal-overreach supporters ninny suddenly appears to favor the rights of states and lesser jurisdictions.

    BTW I see such blatant immigration violations at work that I would LOVE to bust the offenders to ICE–but I am so overworked I barely have the time to do my own job.

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