Bernie supporters are distracted by DemExit – IOTW Report

Bernie supporters are distracted by DemExit

Efforts by some Bernie Sanders supporters to organize an exodus from the Democratic Party have not only agitated party leaders but caused tensions inside the Sanders ranks – with some worried the latest effort to split from the establishment is a step too far.

“We are all part of the Democratic Party,” said Jessica Justice, a pledged delegate for Sanders. She told calls to leave the Democratic Party are a last-minute distraction that will only deepen the current divide.

SNIP: Meanwhile, back in the jungle...

[…] Picking up the voter frustration has been Green Party presidential candidate Jill Sanders, who has told Sanders supporters that she can be the progressive candidate that will carry their cause.

Some Stein supporters are operating in part under the Twitter hashtag #DemExit — something she has deftly been using to openly appeal to Sanders supporters outside the Philly convention arena.

“DNC wants your support for lying, undermining, and insulting you. They’ll lock you out if you don’t comply. #DemExit,” Stein tweeted.  MORE

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