Russians to vote on covering up David’s doodle – IOTW Report

Russians to vote on covering up David’s doodle

BBC: A copy of Michelangelo’s David recently put on show in central St Petersburg may be dressed up because a resident objected to its nakedness.

Organisers of a sculpture exhibition in the city say they’ll ask residents to decide whether to cover up the 5m (16ft) plastic statue, after a local woman complained to the children’s rights ombudsman that it was an eyesore and a bad influence on pupils at a nearby school, the Lenta website reports. “How could you put this bloke without any trousers on in the centre of St Petersburg, next to a school and a church?” the ombudsman’s website quotes the letter as saying. “This giant spoils the city’s historic appearance and warps children’s souls.”  MORE

9 Comments on Russians to vote on covering up David’s doodle

  1. Well if the replica comes with equipment that needs such long pixelation, then maybe it might give young boys inferior complexes and should be covered. (sarc)

    Otherwise, what b.s.

  2. “a local woman”

    Really? The tyranny of the one?

    Why not? We’re having the tyranny of the fraction of the fraction of a percent right here about bathrooms.

    Let’s put the insane in charge. What could possibly go wrong. And while you’re at it, I want Joe Hazelwood exonerated. He was only drunk, not mentally ill.

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