NBC: PHILADELPHIA — The fart-in planned by Sanders supporters at the Democratic National Convention materialized a day earlier than expected, with several Sanders delegates from Massachusetts passing wind around 6 p.m. ET on Wednesday, organizer Cheri Honkala told NBC News.
Honkala, of the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, has said she staged the protest to bring attention to a Democratic nomination process that she and many Sanders supporters say “stinks.”
Honkala, who ran as Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s running mate in 2012, said she first tried feeding beans to Sanders delegates on Tuesday, in front of the AT&T SEPTA subway station. But Honkala said she was arrested for disorderly conduct and led her away in handcuffs. She said she was released a few hours later.
Amusing but hardly novel. In the 70’s a Social Work Professor mentioned bean eating as a tactic to accomplish social agendas at public meetings. Students laughed, but leave it up to people like Bernie to resurrect 50 year old windy ideas.
I’m uncertain that the flatulence would be noticed over the body odor of the Democratic delegates.
Cato bean me to it.
(Make that “beat me to it”.)
Um, on second thought…
Actually, this was an Alinsky tactic threatened in Rochester to bring Kodak into line. I believe the venue was the Rochester symphony, orchestra level seating.
Libtards and body functions….. they just can’t get past that.
Plus, they all stink even before farting
“Eww! What’s that awful smell?! Quick! Everybody fart! Pleeease!!”
They could have a shit in as opposed to a sit in and it could be sponsored by Depends.
Here is what their underwear looked like afterward:
This is old news but I’m glad you finally caught wind of it.
Here’s a man showing us his “Bach” side…
Though one recent survey shows Sanders supporters shifting to Clinton, n ot all of his boosters were convinced.