DNC email leak: Don’t touch Common Core – IOTW Report

DNC email leak: Don’t touch Common Core

WaExaminer/ One of the emails released in the Democratic National Committee leak shows communications staff directing video producers not to mention the Common Core educational standards in a video depicting Republicans as anti-teacher.

“Common Core is a political third rail that we should not be touching at all,” Deputy Communications Director Eric Walker wrote. “Get rid of it.” The email was sent in May 2016.


3 Comments on DNC email leak: Don’t touch Common Core

  1. It is no coincidence that an extreme radical Leftist, pro-Marxist, anti-capitalist, anti-establishment, America-Hating, bomb-throwing, self-professed Communist by the name of Bill Ayers helped found Common Core, the most insidious time-bomb of all! The real intent is to deliberately corrupt, confuse and cripple a child´s brain so that they cannot excel in the modern world and they used the Obama administration, and its drive to weaken America any way possible, as the vehicle to deliver it. The radical Left went right for our children knowing the long-term effects of their twisted pretzel-logic will retard the next generation. They slapped a nice-sounding name on it, “Common Core”, to deflect the the real intent, just like they do with everything else. We just used to call it brain-washing! Instead this represents a start at the so-called re-education camps Bill Ayers is famous for advocating. Try getting a competent, straight thinking engineer out of Common Core Ca-Ca!

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