Trump to Hillary: ‘I’m Taking the Gloves Off’ – IOTW Report

Trump to Hillary: ‘I’m Taking the Gloves Off’

Newsmax: In his first campaign appearance since Hillary Clinton’s nomination, Republican candidate Donald Trump Friday bashed the Democrat’s speech as “so average” and declared that “I’m taking the gloves off.”

“I’ve been saying let’s just beat her on November 8th,” Trump said as supporters chanted “lock her up! lock her up!” at a rally in Colorado Springs, Colo. “But you know what, I’m starting to agree with you.”

The comment marked a change for Trump, who has refrained from joining in the chants — even during his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention last week in Cleveland — instead encouraging supporters to vote on Election Day.

“It’s interesting,” Trump said at the University of Colorado. “Every time I mention her, everyone screams ‘lock her up, lock her up.’ They keep screaming. And you know what I do? I’ve been nice.   More here

16 Comments on Trump to Hillary: ‘I’m Taking the Gloves Off’

  1. She needs to be taken into custody and her assets need to be seized on principle. You can sell political influence for personal gain.

    This is a slippery slope. Because this would have most politicians locked up. So there should be a limit of X million before you get stripped from office.

  2. Hillary, a vile, vindictive, gutter snipe, she treats no one with respect. We the people are intended to serve her, her financial interests and political aspirations. hillary is incapable of stepping out of character to serve the people or our Nation.
    Trump is free to use her own words and actions to reveal to the voters her lack of character.

  3. This is going to be fun to watch. After the chicken shit performances of McLame and Mittens, dems are facing a fighter. They may have trouble adjusting. I just hope they can open enough safe spaces to shelter the terminally offended.

  4. D W G “This is a slippery slope. Because this would have most politicians locked up. So there should be a limit of X million before you get stripped from office.”
    No! That is selling favors for ‘campaign money’, which, if not now, should be ILLEGAL!

    People of character, and knowledge, and experience, should be appointed to positions. For heaven’s sake, look at the two latest State Department heads to see what money buys! Kerry and Clinton have been horridly expensive to America, and not just in their misuse of travel and perks, their complete failure as Statesmen has damaged the entire world.

  5. During the first debate Hillary will lose it, start swearing profusely, and will physically attack Trump. She will have to be subdued and carried off the stage kicking and screaming profanities. That will be it for Hillary who will then be confined to a mental hospital where she will commit suicide.

  6. Hillary is going to whine and bitch over the debates. Just look at all the campaign debates she had, and interviews, too. Prior to every one, she tried to set rules in her favor, gave lists of questions that she would be asked, and if she got a negative response, she threw a fit.

    Trump is going to kick her ass in every debate. The dems haven’t had an opponent with balls for decades.

  7. Their won’t be debates, if Hilliary is still the nominee, and the press wil defend Hilliary for not debating a vulgar man as Trump.

    Trump will grind her into powder if she does.

    She loses either way.

  8. Remember this, that bull dyke Cankles only had that brat spawn to further her own political career, per Bubba Clintoon’s advice…and when he bred Cankles, his progeny seed was low end guttersnipe quality…From these two miscreants came the horseface Chelsea…a broken down nag if ever there was one…miscreant defined as:

    One who behaves badly, often by breaking rules of conduct or the law. 2. Archaic One who does not believe in a certain religion; an infidel or heretic.

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