Court Blocks ‘Discriminatory’ NC Voter Photo ID Law – IOTW Report

Court Blocks ‘Discriminatory’ NC Voter Photo ID Law

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A federal appeals court on Friday blocked a North Carolina law that required voters to produce photo identification and follow other rules disproportionately affecting minorities, finding that the law was intended to make it harder for blacks to vote in the presidential battleground state.

The Virginia-based 4th Circuit Court of Appeals declared that the measures violated the Constitution and the federal Voting Rights Act by targeting black voters “with almost surgical precision.” It marks the third ruling in less than two weeks against voter ID laws after court decisions regarding Texas and Wisconsin.  MORE

SNIP: The same black voters who can’t get an ID to vote are somehow managing to buy liquor, cigarettes, open bank accounts, apply for EBT, welfare, medicaid, section-8, go into federal buildings, apply for a credit card, do business at the DMV, buy insurance, apply for medicare,  get a credit check, rent a car, rent an apartment, rent a hotel room, pick up a prescription, apply for a job, get a fishing license, gamble, buy a gun, adopt a pet, adopt a child, get married… all without an ID?

20 Comments on Court Blocks ‘Discriminatory’ NC Voter Photo ID Law

  1. Cheating is absolutely required for the Democrats to win this election. Obama, with the assistance of this republican congress, has stacked the courts to get this outcome.

    I, for one, question whether Obama legitimately won reelection in 2012. My gut tells me he didn’t.

    Was it Stalin who said it doesn’t matter who votes. It matters who counts the votes. Some Soviet said it.

  2. Headline should read:

    Three Democrat Appointed Judges in Virginia Rule Against Citizens in North Carolina.

    Clinton and Obama appointees. Yes, elections do have consequences – the winner can be either a virus or a cure.

  3. It is amazing how insulting to people the liberals. To say they are too dumb to get a photo ID (issued free in most states) is horrible. I’ve got an idea for the liberal idiots, let the voters use the IDs that they use for all of the other stuff listed in the article

    Or the IDs they use to get into the conventions or caucuses.

    Rise up, what they presume are stupid Americans! Let these lawless, self-serving, lawmakers know that you are not needing babysitting. They are NOT our overseers.

  4. They no longer even pretend to seek “justice.”

    The notion is absurd. As already pointed out, no liquor, no cigarettes, no … c’mon … nobody – NOBODY – is dumb enough to believe the shit these “judges” are shoveling. This is arrogant – in-your-face – FUCK YOU! EAT-SHIT-AND-LIKE-IT – you are slaves and you will do as we tell you!

    Legislation from the Bench. A few public hangings would calm em down …

    Somebody show me where, in our Constitution, the Federal Gov’t forbids Photo ID for voting … show me … SHOW ME!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. There should be NO in person voting without valid photo ID.
    All Americans, no exceptions.
    If you wish to participate in the election, you can get a state ID, just like everybody else.
    You cannot be more fair than that.

  6. Black people and other minorities should be angry with the democrats. According to democrats “minorities, especially Blacks, are too illiterate, uneducated, and or not smart enough to obtain a photo ID”?!?

  7. Tim, It is written on the back. But, you can only read it when you wear the “ocular device invented by Benjamin Franklin”. Didn’t you see National Treasure.

  8. Democrats have been claiming for over 20 years that government issued ID was discriminatory. However, in those 20 some years they have not been able to produce one person who was not able to get government issued ID. They use government issued ID every single day of the year yet they supposedly cannot come up with government issued ID every 4 years at election time?

  9. “discriminatory,” my ass.
    The only thing voter ID laws discriminate against is vote fraud.
    The idea that a citizen can not get ID is pure horseshit.
    ID should also designate the bearer as a US citizen.
    And why print ballots in a dozen different languages? Anyone who cannot understand English is probably not qualified to vote.
    I hate to see this Country turning into a third-world shithole.

    What we need is the removal of activist judges.
    With “surgical precision.”

  10. @PHenry – I am of the persuasion that the millions of Republicans DIDN’T stay home, refusing to vote. It’s my belief that millions of Republican votes were destroyed before they could be counted. It was a trial run prior to this election, were Hillary will have all the money from the Clinton charities at her disposal to ensure millions of Trump votes never get counted. It’s much, much easier to remove votes than to create phony votes.

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