Russian Gas Station Offers Free Tank of Gas to People in Swimsuits and High Heels – IOTW Report

Russian Gas Station Offers Free Tank of Gas to People in Swimsuits and High Heels

OC: A gas station in Russia’s Oblast region has been making headlines this week for organizing an unusual promotion – a free tank of gas to anyone who showed up dressed only in women’s swimsuit and high heels.

man wears bikini and heels for free-gas-promotion2


The ingenious publicity stunt took place on July 21st, in the south-western city of Samara, and only lasted three hours. Anyone looking to get a free tank of gas was invited to show up at the gas station wearing skimpy underwear and high heels. The rules were pretty simple – wear the appropriate attire, fill up the tank yourself, and go to the front desk to tell the station attendant the pump number and fuel type. Abide by this term and you get a full tank absolutely free.   MORE  [with video]

19 Comments on Russian Gas Station Offers Free Tank of Gas to People in Swimsuits and High Heels

  1. Why is it that Russians are now enjoying more freedom than Americans are? Can you imagine the howling if a US gas station was to do such a misogynistic promo?

    The promoter would be castigated as a Trump supporter

  2. “Oblast region”? Translator needs to be beaten, not a lot, but some.

    The city of Samara, which is in the Samara Oblast. An oblast is sort of like a US state, and Russia has lots of them.

    Also, this story needs more pics.

  3. Samara is the most livable, most hospitable city and oblast is Russia. That’s according to Russians and the scores of foreign business ex-pats living there. Yeah, it’s pretty much in the middle of nowhere, but the people are not snobs like in Moscow and are not elitists like in St. Petersburg. Great nightlife, decent wages and nice people, especially the ones with XX chromosomes. I was there in 2002, and it was a nice place then, even though it never got warmer than 23F in March.

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