Even Her Supporters Know hillary clinton Is The Terminator – IOTW Report

Even Her Supporters Know hillary clinton Is The Terminator

Every pitch made for hillary ends up being oddly reminiscent of the Terminator: ‘It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.’

-TheFederalist: In his Democratic National Committee speech, bill clinton told this anecdote about his wife, hillary: “She closed her book, put it down and started walking toward me. She walked the whole length of the library, came up to me and said, look, if you’re going to keep staring at me…” And so her relentless pursuit of power began.

Make no mistake, America: you have been warned. The folks who support hillary and praised her at the convention kept telling you one thing that might concern you if value containing government power. hillary seeks power over other people so fiercely she resembles something out of the movies: the Terminator.

9 Comments on Even Her Supporters Know hillary clinton Is The Terminator

  1. Hillary Clinton is like every libtard ever known to man: She’s just like a dog insofar as she has to piss on everything in order to make it hers – today, the fire hydrant is America.

    The bitch needs to be spayed.

  2. ‘It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you pretend to believe its lies.’

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. So bill clinton was at a library looking to pick up chicks and he ends up with a lesbian bulldyke?
    How does such an idiot ever become president, or governor?

    Hillary is a control freak of the highest magnitude. I think she picked bill as an easy target — her brain is a few cells bigger than the one in bill’s pecker.

    And look where it got the bitch.

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