Feinstein: Hillary Hasn’t Had News Conferences Because Questions Are Always About Emails and Benghazi – IOTW Report

Feinstein: Hillary Hasn’t Had News Conferences Because Questions Are Always About Emails and Benghazi

Yeah! You guys stop bothering poor old Hillary about important things. Rude!!!
Why don’t you ever ask about her yoga classes and her incredible undying love for Bill Clinton?

Breitbart: On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) stated that she “can’t answer” why Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton doesn’t have more press conferences, “except the questions that come up are always the same questions. It’s emails, and it’s Benghazi.”  MORE

11 Comments on Feinstein: Hillary Hasn’t Had News Conferences Because Questions Are Always About Emails and Benghazi

  1. Then by all means ask her if she does yoga, why does she look like an overripe fig?

    And doesn’t her undying love for Bubba make the case that she is absolutely delusional and lacks any capacity for rational, logical thinking?

  2. Feinstein demonstrating verifiable proof of why California, once the greatest state in union, is the laughing stock of every other decent FREE state in said union.

    Hillary will be to the other 49 what Feinstein is to CA.

  3. Well OK, let’s talk about the Clinton Foundation and selling influence (accepting bribes).

    Or who you talked with to get Chelsea a $600K/year gig at NBC? What was the quid pro quo?

    How did your son-in-law get all these top Goldman Sachs executives to invest in his failed Greek Investment fund?

    Can we see copies of the speeches Wall street businesses paid $500,0000 for?

    How many of your books, and to whom, were sold. Did it cover the $10MM advance?

    ….ad nauseum

  4. Let’s talk about the uranium deal

    Let’s talk about Whitewater

    Let’s talk about Vince Foster

    Let’s talk about the Clinton Foundation

    Let’s talk about ……….. I could go on and on.

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