CA Turns Up the Volume of Diversity Narrative in School Textbooks – IOTW Report

CA Turns Up the Volume of Diversity Narrative in School Textbooks

Vdare: These days, many public schools have been turned into leftist propaganda factories that Pol Pot would have envied. They teach kids that America is evil and diversity is the highest good. They train students in the violent tactics we have seen at work in the Occupy movement and the anti-cop Black Lives Matter.

California has been delving into creative interpretations before. In 2012, Sacramento decreed that textbooks would soon include information about the many Sikh contributions to the state. That year also saw the addition of gay history for the schools, in which the law required “a study of the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans, persons with disabilities, and members of other cultural groups.” Also in 2012, Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that encouraged social studies teachers to present material about the bracero program in California.  MORE

4 Comments on CA Turns Up the Volume of Diversity Narrative in School Textbooks

  1. Diversity and multiculturalism are progressive words for tribalism. The US phenomenon and strength was that we were a melting pot.

    The middle east and Africa are known for their tribalism. Europe is going tribal. How is that a good thing for anyone?

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