Media Apoplectic as Khizr Khan Attack on Donald Trump Goes Down in Flames – IOTW Report

Media Apoplectic as Khizr Khan Attack on Donald Trump Goes Down in Flames

Breitbart: Mainstream media figures from the New York Times to the Huffington Post to CNN are apoplectic Monday as their latest attack on Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee for president, has crumbled yet again under the slightest bit of scrutiny.

Specifically, the newest line of attack to fall apart is the criticism of Trump over Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father who spoke at the Democratic National Convention last week.

Over the weekend and for the past few days since Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan about their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004, media-wide reporters, editors, producers, and anchors have tried to lay criticism on Trump over the matter. They thought they had a good one, a specific line of attack that pitted Trump against the military—and supposedly showed him as a big meanie racist in the process.

But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday midday, that clearly was not the case. Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP. That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide”—back in 2004. It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative.

All of this information was publicly available, and accessible to anyone—including any of these reporters, and Breitbart News—with a basic Google search. Anyone interested in doing research about the subjects they are reporting on—otherwise known as responsible journalism—would have checked into these matters. But clearly, none in the mainstream media did—probably because, as Fox News’ Chad Pergram noted, Democrats “sense blood in the water over” the whole Khan controversy.  MORE

16 Comments on Media Apoplectic as Khizr Khan Attack on Donald Trump Goes Down in Flames

  1. Shitstain Kelly still doesn’t have the memo and just spent 15 minutes saying you can’t say anything to a gold star family – ever, no matter how much they politicize themselves

  2. From what I understand, Saudi Arabia gave over 25 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation and 10 million to the Clinton Presidential Library.

    Who the fuck could explain such a thing?
    The Clinton’s are bought and paid for by the House Of Saud.
    They are OWNED.
    Death would be too kind for such treasonous action.

  3. The truth can come out but if the MSM, the papers or any other news outlet refuses to give it the same coverage as the original story (if they give it any coverage at all) the voting public, at least the ones that haven’t swallowed the koolaid, will never hear about it. Fox can broadcast it however I suspect that most of the viewers of Foxnews already read about it on other websites.

  4. Khizr and Godzilla Khan should have kept their damn mouths shut and turned down Clinton’s offer of a cabinet post.

    The two of them are getting the same treatment Obama did when he faked “skeet shooting.”

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