How Will Hillary Survive Wikileak Revelations? – IOTW Report

How Will Hillary Survive Wikileak Revelations?

Whistleblower Says NSA Has ‘All’ of Hillary’s Deleted Emails, Assange Says Hack Reveals Role Arming Libyan Jihadis.

Revelations made by former NSA official William Binney during his exclusive interview with reporter Aaron Klein on Sunday could spell new trouble for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

According to Binney, the NSA has “all” of Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails and the FBI could access them if they choose to.

Breitbart: WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange claims Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton knew that the US was sending weaponry from Libya to Syria in 2011, despite claiming under oath to have no knowledge of the situation.

Assange highlighted the information contained within the recently leaked DNC emails in an interview with Democracy Now last week, claiming that Clinton lied under oath during her post-Benghazi attack public testimony in 2013.

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky interrogated Clinton during the testimony and explicitly asked whether the former Secretary of State had any knowledge of gun exports leaving Libya:

Sen. Rand Paul: My question is, is the US involved in any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey out of Libya?

Hillary Clinton: To Turkey? I’ll have to take that question for the record. That’s, nobody’s ever raised that with me.


10 Comments on How Will Hillary Survive Wikileak Revelations?

  1. Hillary could run a dozen crippled children and pregnant women through a wood chipper, at the main entrance of the Mall of America in Minnesota, she might get a littering ticket.

  2. It’s time for someone to remove her as candidate….that kind of lying slut crunt cannot serve as President, and we don’t need Barky trying to steal another term in the WH either…Dhimmoratz and their ilk are the plague of a lifetime…

  3. The same way she and can’t keep it in his pants Bubba have all along. The extreme left elites and lapdog main stream media will cover, obfuscate, yell racism and sexism and the Repugs will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory once again. Besides, “what difference does it make now” after all there was no intention!

  4. I can see this. . . .
    20 Jan 2017, the new President is sworn into office.
    21 Jan 2017: “President Trump, as new chief of the FBI, we have these emails we received in joint cooperation with the NSA and the Russians. We would like to recommend to you that the newly revamped DoJ press any and all applicable charges against Hillary Rodham Clinton, and further recommend. . . . . ”

    A guy can dream, can’t he?

  5. Hillary will survive because the media will help her to ignore and deny the story. She will survive because no one in the DOJ or FBI will have the guts to truly investigate or prosecute her. She will survive because the system is rigged and ball-less gutless Americans are too pussified to do a damn thing about it.

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