Obama cares so much about Gold Star Families, he’s making more of them – IOTW Report

Obama cares so much about Gold Star Families, he’s making more of them

PR: Barack Obama declared that Donald Trump is unfit to serve as President because of his attack on a Gold Star Family.

I know what you’re thinking. When has Barack Obama given a damn about Gold Star families? But he does give a damn.

He cares so much about Gold Star Families, he’s made it his mission as Commander-in-Chief to make as many of them as he can.

Obama railed against Trump for nearly six minutes in his joint press conference with the Prime Minister of Singapore. Not just Trump. He also berated Republicans for even considering voting for Trump after what he said about Khizr Khan.

The question they have to ask themselves is if you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him? What does this say about your party, that this is your standard bearer?

The question Barack Obama should ask himself is how can he still endorse a woman who has violated the law, put America’s national security at risk, lost six billion dollars, and used her position as Secretary of State in a pay for play scheme?

What does it say about the Democrat Party that this felonious, lying bitch is your standard bearer, Barack?

Hillary Clinton looked Sean Smith’s mother and Tyrone Woods’ father in the eye and flat-out lied to them about why their sons died.

She sat for eleven hours and lied under oath to the Select Committee on Benghazi. That’s called “Perjury,” Barack. What does it say about the Democrat Party that you are endorsing someone who has committed perjury?


11 Comments on Obama cares so much about Gold Star Families, he’s making more of them

  1. A president who ACTUALLY cares about US soldiers and Gold Star families would NEVER release enemies of the state from Gitmo.

    This prick lying bastard is determined to release all these caged animals upon the world and close the perfect place to store said animals.

    To hell with that sad sack of shit, Obama!

  2. Hillary Clinton’s internal polling must be horrible based on the hyperbolic, scorched earth, coordinated attacks on Trump the last few days by the media, political hacks and even morons like “Dr. Drew” on CNN questioning Trump’s sanity.

    Anderson Cooper on CNN earlier tonight claimed to be surprised at how Trump was keeping the Kahn story alive by talking about it so much (not that the media has been pushing the narrative non-stop and asking Trump to respond) – not a hint of irony in his voice either.

  3. Trust me, the political winds have turned nasty and, as promised, he’s taking sides with the Moslems. He couldn’t give a rat’s rosy red royal rectum about the US Military, much less Gold Star families. He talks a good game but he is shit, pure and simple.

  4. Fing Barry RANTED about Trump for a good 30 minutes today durring a presser with some head of state from some country that would profit from TPP. Shortly after that, that asshole from France announced that the upcoming Presidential election was truley a global election and please vote for Hillary. Trumps scaring the shit out of these Globalist assholes that stand to lose a lot of money if he’s elected. I hope Trumps wearing his bullet proof underwear.

  5. i know a navy o-6 who briefed hillary in iraq and he said she was the nastiest person he ever encountered, plus she and and her staff treated the military like absolute dogshit

    hillary and obama deserve hell together

  6. the irony of the day is that thru their critiques of trump, obama and hollande blessed trump with what will be a positive bump in the polls

    more losers like these and the many others like merkel need to beat on trump for our november advantage

  7. So, O’Bozo gives up 4 mill to release 4 prisoners.
    And yet, when St Reagan was elected, the muzzies released all the embassy hostages, saying, “please don’t hurt us”.

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