Father of Benghazi Hero Tyrone Woods: I Endorse Trump – IOTW Report

Father of Benghazi Hero Tyrone Woods: I Endorse Trump

Breitbart: Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods, the former Navy SEAL killed at Benghazi, Libya the morning of Sept. 12, 2012, along with three other Americans, endorsed Donald J. Trump for president.

“I support Donald Trump, and the main reason is national security as well as the economy are the two most important issues that voters are going to have to decide upon next November,” said Woods, who is a retired lawyer and administrative law judge. His son was a CIA contractor hired to provide security for American personnel and facilities in Benghazi. The other Americans killed were Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, State Department IT specialist Sean Smith, and former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, who was also a CIA contractor but assigned to Tripoli.

Doherty led a team from Tripoli to assist the personnel at Benghazi, who were defending against multiple attacks, first to the American diplomatic compound, where Stevens and Smith were killed, and then at the CIA annex less than two miles away. Woods and Doherty were killed in the same mortar attack upon their rooftop position after eight hours of combat.

Trump said he was honored to receive the endorsement from Woods.

“Tyrone Woods is an American hero and his father is a tremendous person whom I have great respect for. His support is so important to me. Together we are going to defeat Hillary Clinton in November and make America safe again.”

In January, Woods challenged Trump’s opponent, Hillary R. Clinton to take a lie detector test after the former first lady denied that she had told Woods and other relatives of those killed at Benghazi that the attack was associated with a protest against a YouTube video that dealt with the life of the Prophet Mohammed.

Watch this video of Woods explaining how Hillary R. Clinton lied to him:

10 Comments on Father of Benghazi Hero Tyrone Woods: I Endorse Trump

  1. In a perfect world Trump gets elected and prosecutes anybody and everybody that dropped the ball in Bengahzi. And punishment would be hung by the neck in the nearest public square. Time we take back our country.
    On a side note my father’s B 24 Wing were part of the raid on Polesty. They lifted off out of Bengahzi in 1943.
    Just found that out a couple months back. Ironic.

  2. I just watched “13 Hours” this evening for the first time.

    I am ashamed of every person in the US Chain of Command who allowed these true warriors to languish in pitched life or death battle with absolutely NO effort made to provide cover or military assistance. obama, leon panetta Sec. Of Defense, hillary clinton Sec. of State, Gen David Petraeus Director of the CIA susan rice United Nations Ambassador, US Army Gen. martin dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

  3. Cato, any bets Black Water (or what ever they’re calling them selves these days) couldn’t have made it there in time? If our military has been invaded by fags, turn it over to contractors. They suffer no fag mandate.

  4. hit the damn send key, I’m so pissed.
    To continue:
    Cheryl Mills (Clinton’s Chief of Staff)
    Gen. Carter Ham, who at the time was head of AFRICOM, Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant secretary of state,
    and any other swingin’ dick that knew of the life threatening attack and took no action (with or without orders).

    A horrendous display of incompetency from the top down. Ad have the gall to lie to the parents of those murdered and continued to lie during the Benghazi hearings.

    Criminal, just plain inept criminal negligence.
    Each shared the dishonor through their Actions or failure to act.

  5. BabBrad …. Black water, became Xe, and Xe became Academi in 2011, haven’t kept up with them since. Most of my friends left Blackwater when Prince left. Proven, True warriors.

    All the dishonor, incompetence and lies are on Obama, Hillary, susan rice, Leon Panetta….on down the line.
    Oh don’t forget the media’s complicity in reporting those lies.
    Disgusting and cowardly waste of skin.

  6. Cato, yea brother we’re on the same page. It’s the battle at hand, not what you stick your dick in. Ironically the Bush admin used these guys like no other. Until they shot up a town that killed a couple of their own and hung their burned dead bodies from a bridge. Including a women I beleive. Trump needs to hire these guys to run amuck during the elections. Maybe for protection. I know a bunch of contractors. The big difference between us and them is they lose no sleep over killing someone. That’s a big hurdle for most of us.

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