Islamic State: If Muslims ran America, black slave trade would have continued – IOTW Report

Islamic State: If Muslims ran America, black slave trade would have continued

JihadWatch: “In a bizarre digression from their latest anti-Christian tirade, the Islamic State addressed the question of black slavery, claiming that if Muslims had been in charge of Western states, the slave trade would have continued.”

The Islamic State message should be no surprise, given how blacks are treated throughout the Islamic world, despite the IS explaining that it’s more about slavery of the infidel than about race. One need only look at the racist genocide of blacks in Darfur and the slavery of blacks still going on in Islamic states, as well as the deep involvement of Arabs in the American black slave trade.

Jihad Watch reported about an Islamic State message to Ferguson protesters last year: “Hey blacks ISIS will save you”; and has also reported about instances that reveal the black-jihadi alliance in America. For example, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan accused whites of persecuting blacks, pointing out ominously that the Qur’an teaches that persecution is worse than slaughter (cf. Qur’an 2:191 and 2:217) , thereby justifying the slaughter of the alleged persecutors. Farrakhan then called for a bloody race war when he stated that he was looking for “10,000 fearless men” to “rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!”

He was referencing police shootings of blacks, although whites get shot by police far more frequently than blacks do; more violent crimes are being committed by blacks; and blacks kill blacks in staggering numbers. But Farrakhan does not care about those inconvenient truths. Why? Because he is racist himself, and acquires money and fame from sensationalizing historic black victimization.

The Washington Post has also reported that the Islamic State, along with other jihadist movements, was taking advantage of the Ferguson crisis to recruit blacks for jihad.  MORE

16 Comments on Islamic State: If Muslims ran America, black slave trade would have continued

  1. Question- the Islamic world trafficked in the black slave trade since forever but why are not very little blacks in the Arab world? Think about it- the black population in the Americas only went up by why not in the Arab world?

    Answer- male slaves who were owned by Arab slave traders had their entire, um, “package” (penis, testicles and scrotum) removed. A tube was placed in the urethra and the whole wound was categorized with boiling oil. Those that did not die from infection or a categorized urethra (just let that sink in) were sold into slavery. Hence, not a lot of descendants of African slaves running around in the Arab world today.

    Just something to think about when ROOTS 2.0 is shown this fall. Oh, and just one more tidbit- of all the slaves brought to the Western Hemisphere only 5% – that is 5%- landed in what is the USA. 1# consumer of slaves; Brazil; followed by the Caribbean Islands (owned by the French, Netherlands & UK). Yet, for some reason when the world thinks Slavery its always the country that tore itself in half to bring an end to it that gets the rap.

    I just get more than flustered and the article makes a great point and there is slavery happening, today wherever Islam rears its ugly head. Would that Frahakhan got an education on that but I’m not holding my breath.

  2. What I mean to say is ALL slavery is bad. Unless you are willing to kill all of them when the project is done.

    ’tis better to pay your slaves a wage and let them yearn for freedom in their off hours.

  3. At one time there were 3 million black slaves in Turkey alone. Most of the males were eunuchs. It’s rare to see a black person in Turkey these days even in massive cities like Istanbul.

  4. If I said that I wished that slavery never existed in this country, would that be racist?
    If I said that slavery is one islamic tradition that I wished this country should have never practiced, would that be racist?

  5. Why don’t the BLM types realize that we have a common enemy in the muzzies? It’s time to quit blaming whitey for all your troubles and band together as Americans and wipe these barbaric bastards off of the face of the Earth before they kill all the Jews, white people, everyone who won’t bow to their evil sharia law and enslave what’s left of black America in perpetuity. Whitey ain’t the problem, pisslam is.

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