Obama speaks of what he knows, being ‘unfit to be president’ – IOTW Report

Obama speaks of what he knows, being ‘unfit to be president’

WashingtonTimes: Donald Trump is “woefully unprepared,” President Obama said Tuesday. “Unfit to be president.”

Well, at least this is one area where the president is a bona fide, qualified expert.

If ever there was a man who entered the White House woefully unprepared and unfit to be president, it was Mr. Obama.

Sure, he hummed a good tune about unifying the country, ushering America into a new “post-racial” era. And he spoke of calming the seas and easing global violence and sprinkling peace between Muslims, Jews and Christians in the Middle East and around the world.

obama walking the dog on water

Lord, if we could just have 2008 back again. Those were the good old days.

Back before cops were targeted for assassination on the street. Before every police action became viewed first and foremost through the lens of radical racialism. Before the leader of the free world saw it as his duty to routinely insert himself into police matters from Baltimore to Cambridge to Ferguson, Missouri, to Sanford, Florida.


Those were the days before the president denounced people as xenophobes and racists for wanting to enforce the nation’s duly enacted immigration laws. Before tens of thousands of haggard families, children and slaves came rumbling through Mexico on “death trains,” drawn by the president’s illegal invitation. Back in the good old days, before 2008, everyone — including Mr. Obama and Hillary Clinton — all agreed on building a fence to secure our southern border.

obama apology chart

And those were the days before America’s first half-Muslim president traveled the world to apologize for American exceptionalism.  MORE

10 Comments on Obama speaks of what he knows, being ‘unfit to be president’

  1. This dipshit sits on his throne and does nothing. Who’s unfit? Does anyone even care or mention the 1500+ military members being held hostage on their base in Turkey? Not to mention the nuclear warheads sitting their for the taking….. I doubt he’ll pay a ransom for these poor souls. I seriously don’t think I’ve ever hated anyone as much as I hate him.

  2. @Gwenn. it isn’t that he does nothing. He does nothing when he should do something and something when he should do nothing.

    It’s not healthy when your president is actively participating in the intentional destruction of your country. And loving it. His crimes are too numerous to mention. There have been several a day. That we know of.

    It still baffles me that Americans could vote for a Muslim 7 years after 9/11/2001. Mystifyingly stupid.

  3. PHenry,
    Part of the blame can be laid directly at the feet of the Dem Ess Em (DSM – DildoCrat Stream Media). They concealed what they should have exposed, and made Big Mountains out of Little Molehills (Romney’s dog?)
    And the GOPe RINOs are to blame as well. Instead of selecting a fit, suitable and fighting candidate for President, they selected the “I’m next in line, my turn” candidate, no matter how weak and unsuitable he was.
    And then there are the LIVs, the sheeple, who for a variety of reasons voted for BOdaPrez. Some, twice.
    And there were the Disgusted Ones, the conservatives, who were tired of “holding their nose”, and stayed home.

    Back then, maybe one could rationalize and excuse. Today, no rationalization, no excuses. The line is clearly drawn. Either FOR Trump. Or FOR Hellery. #NeverTrump = #ForHellery. No in between.

    Enough rant. I’m going home.

  4. It is a shame, as each day passes with obama as president, I become more bitter and angry.

    The House and Senate are useless, they don’t even try to defend this nation, constitution or laws from lawless obama.

    I fear I could not restrain my disgust and disappointment if corrupt hillary ascends to the throne she believes is rightfully hers.

    I am hanging my hope and faith on Trump’s success.

  5. Here’s a guy whose claim to fame was being a community-organizer, a ‘voting present’ Senator , and had no executive experience saying a guy who built a financial empire is not qualified to be President. How many days left? As of this post It’s 307 days, 23 hours, 2 minutes, 1 second. And they can’t go by quick enough.

  6. I’m sick of his lies and inviting all the problems of the world here; terrorism, virulent viruses, etc. Then to twist the knife, we the American people are expected to foot the bill, or lose freedoms to fix the problems which arise.

    Congress has shown its true colors, and uselessness on both sides for the last eight years beyond anything I have ever seen before. I think it is high time for term limits for Congresspeople.

  7. Why isn’t the SOB being impeached as we speak for the deal with Iran giving them $400 million dollars as ransom for 4 hostages? If that’s not aiding and abetting the enemy then what is? If it had been a GOP President, you know damned well they would’ve impeached him by now. I despise the pos in chief and what he’s done to destroy America.

  8. “Why isn’t the SOB being impeached?”

    Have you gone berserk? Can’t you see that man is a ni?

    This is why we need a white male president. No one else can be held accountable for anything.

  9. Yes, I know the man is a ni but that’s still no excuse. Anyone else would’ve been impeached by now. The one thing barry will never get away from is the judgement of God, none of us will and that includes lil barry as well. Good luck fool trying to talk your way out of that one, it ain’t gonna happen.

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