Yeah, Thanks. – IOTW Report

Yeah, Thanks.

24 Comments on Yeah, Thanks.

  1. The entire press is raving right now about her white gown. She looks like a pregnant marshmallow. Or a linebacker in a bed sheet.
    What the press always forgets when they are swooning over Moose’s appearance is the fact that we can see her, too.

  2. @Bad Brad, perhaps when they say the Moose’s dress “stunned” people, maybe it was in the sense of a cattle bolt gun. 😉

    Dang that’s ugly. So’s the dress.

  3. CC, Here’s the deal. I’ve been lifting weights in a lot of different gyms since I was 17. I’ve trained along side woman that train HARD. Lifting heavy weight. And I’ve never seen a womens body act like that. Estrogen makes them grow tight and slender. (Except quads) Now you can find huge women on the Internet that have been taking testosterone, but drug free, NO.
    I think she has a penis.

  4. First Sasquatch is just being nostalgic. The dress is th same color and fit as it’s Yeti fur – complete with boob sash.
    Barry is wearing his favorite butler outfit from the 1980’s for the occasion, as usual. Hilarious.

  5. Funny! My sister who was in the music world for nearly
    50 years swears she knows when she sees a tranny as she
    worked closely with so many for so long.
    She says that Mike O is a definite.

  6. Brad. Re your link. I had pity for the servicemen at Present Arms.
    Shit! Nothing there.
    I stood in an Honor Guard for Jane Mansfield in Italy back in 61/62.
    She visited our Post. I was standing at attention next to an Italian Carabinieri, both of us were wickedly handsome guys and she
    smiled at us. I, having good manners and social graces, looked her in the eyes and smiled back, still at attention. Chipoletti, on the other hand, was just staring at her tits and never caught the lovely smile. Boy did she ever have a rack!
    I feel for these poor guys having to stand at attention for these fucking uglys.

  7. Tommy, if I was any where’s near Jane Mansfield back in the day I would stand attention too. If you get my drift. Hot hot women back then. Now days they’re all sluts.

  8. Brad, black women are often built differently than white women. In some ethnic tribes of black people its truly hard to tell the sexes apart if they are wearing shirts. I just weary of this whole fairy tale of Michelle being a man. Its nonsense. Her problems are mental not physical.

  9. pboid; the obamas deserve every bit of disdain we can lay on them and then some. Would you stand up for every vile, evil, lying piece of crap on earth?

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