These progs are fit to be tied! – IOTW Report

These progs are fit to be tied!

15 Comments on These progs are fit to be tied!

  1. WHEN will we demand the press be held accountable to the truth and be jailed for fraud? I won’t be happy until everyone in the liberal lying press is homeless and begging for food scraps because that’s what they want for us!
    The left demands people lose their jobs all the time and it works. We need to do the same damn thing!

  2. alinsky rules in it’s “purist” and “malicious” form.
    The media has the game plan and is following clinton’s progressive strategy flawlessly.
    Honor, integrity, patriotism, honesty, individuality, liberty, constitution, equal justice under the law, and all other characteristics of a free Nation will be weapons used against trump.

  3. @Anonymous:If this is Trump Derangement Syndrome today what is gong to look like in another 90 days?!

    Personally, I’m hoping to see them set fire to themselves in the streets.

  4. I have NEVER seen such a blatant, lie-filled, concerted media effort to derail ONE person. Al least, not since the LAST time the LSM went after Trump.

    Too late, journalnazis, the majority of America sees you AND HilLIARy for the LYING SCUMBAGS you are.

    Eat a peach, and choke on the stone, mmmkay?

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