Socialist Obama Explains What Made the USA Wealthy – IOTW Report

Socialist Obama Explains What Made the USA Wealthy

How in the world did we get Barack Obama as president?

I S: Obama said Wednesday that America’s wealth “Originally” came from taxation and government programs. I do seem to remember that being in The Federalist Papers. I think it was Thomas Paine who said, let’s add government bureaucracy, a burdensome regulatory regime, corporate cronyism, and high taxes. 

Why did we fight the Revolution only to be taxed to death by brain-dead ideologues, Barack Obama being one?

This is what our president said today, demonstrating his complete lack of knowledge of the economy and free market principles. In fact, he’s “unfit”.

“I am a strong believer that government, strong, effective, transparent government, is a pre-condition for a market-based economy. You cannot have one without the other. But what is also true is, if every job is a government job, then there will come a point where you will not be able to accommodate all the talents of your people.”

The private sector is an addendum to the big government Obama envisions. There is no room for a free market.   MORE

11 Comments on Socialist Obama Explains What Made the USA Wealthy

  1. “But what is also true is, if every job is a government job, then there will come a point where you will not be able to accommodate all the talents of your people.”

    IOW, every failure becomes a government failure at that point. Which is the main reason that Obama, like a good fascist, have to keep the private sector around as a scapegoat for government failure.

  2. Amazing, many white Americans along with the noisy and troublesome minority population voted to implement an Apartheid government in the US! Tyranny of the minority is now in full swing!

  3. The Stupid-it hurtz.

    How in the world did this asswipe get a rep for a high IQ? I think if you look back when he was caught practicing for his selfies, he believes his overwhelming smile enables the bullshit.

  4. We have had socialism for 50 in each of our biggest cities. All needs taken care of and a heck of a lot of wants. How has it worked out?

    Looks like socialism here is the same as elsewhere – it appeals to man’s lowest nature, encourages laziness, magical thinking and irresponsibility. It discourages learning, curiosity and planning for the future.

    To those who insist that hasn’t been the case in the Nordic countries I’d encourage them to catch up on their history. Sweden. They have all cut back on the level and length of benefits while encouraging free markets.

  5. While he begrudgingly accepts the need for a private sector he leaves out the only real reason they *need* one – without the private sector there is no money to confiscate for taxation for this big government.

  6. @Anonymous exactly! In his mind all this wonderful tax money just magically appears on the White House lawn to be shoveled up by Michelle. His depth of thought is underwhelming. If socialism is so great why doesn’t he plan to move to Venezuela after his term (which can’t end soon emough) is over. No wonder the the Harvard Law Review never published any of his work. They didn’t have enough editors and proof readers to make any of it sufficiently coherent for publication.

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