Suddenly CNN is Gospel?! – IOTW Report

Suddenly CNN is Gospel?!

PatriotRetort: Have you noticed how many conservatives are now touting stories on CNN as proof (PROOF, I tell you!) that Donald Trump is unstable and his campaign is imploding? These same people who scrambled to get their “Don’t Trust the Liberal Media” bumper stickers now seem to think the reporting on CNN is Gospel.

Not just CNN.

These guys are also trumpeting stories they read in the Huffington Post. The same Huffington Post that includes this totally objective, unbiased “editor’s note” after every story on Donald Trump:

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims ― 1.6 billion members of an entire religion ― from entering the U.S.

You know, that Huffington Post.

Last night, the HuffPo posted a story with a screaming headline on their main page that Donald Trump talked about something he learned about in a classified intel briefing.

Oh the humanity!!!!

Of course, Trump hasn’t started to receive these classified intel briefings yet. But no matter.

Like CNN, their mission is to destroy Donald Trump, and help frame the narrative that Trump is an unstable psychopath who can’t be trusted in the Oval Office.  MORE

19 Comments on Suddenly CNN is Gospel?!

  1. The funny thing about this is that the Dems are cancelling events due to a complete lack of interest among their ‘supporters’ – and Trump is filling places hosting his events to well beyond capacity, pretty much daily.

  2. I can already see how this will unfold. “Intel” will give Trump some supposedly mundane info and hope for Trump to bring it up. Afterwards it will be claimed to be classified (after classifying it retroactively) and the media firestorm will erupt. Yup.

  3. When will huffprog mention Trump deleting 30,000 e-mails and lying to the American people?
    When will they mention his incompetence during the Benghazi attacks and he got 4 Americans killed?
    Or his $BILLION dollar Foundation that bilked Corporations for pay to play federal contracts?
    Or his $225,000 to $335,000 speaking fees when he talked to Universities, Corporations, Banks, Industry, Medical Associations, Drug and Chemical associations, Healthcare associations, Insurance and Real Estate Associations, Wall Street and Silicon Valley?
    How about when the FBI did a sham investigation and decided not to indict his illegal national security breach?

    Oh, that was Hillary. Never mind.

  4. Da media do wut da media do. Who cares? Fuck that.

    Best weapon against that is when Trump starts speculating that prez Hillary will appoint Supreme Court Justice Obama.

    The horrific thought of that should settle it and bitch slap #nevertrumpers back to their senses.

  5. AC, what if the Trump crowds are representative of his primary ceiling and not a groundswell of new support? Romney was drawing bigger crowds than Obama in October 2012, especially after that disastrous first debate for Obama. Axelrod even had to spin the small crowds at Obama events as an intentional move to “intimate settings” Hillary’s flacks have been using the “intimate setting” spin this time around. And remember how we all laughed when they downsized their 2012 convention location and blamed it on tbe weather? The only thing that keeps me encouraged is that this election cycle is extremely anomalous in so many ways.

  6. This crap must be coming from the Hillary campaign. That’s how she rolls, sewer rat dirty (Obama too). And the media will do their bidding no matter what.

    I’m sure it’s in an email somewhere.

  7. No worries about Obama being appointed to the SCOTUS. He’s that laziest President and Senator (both federal and state) your country has ever seen. The SOB will retreat to Hawaii and play golf and find the gay bathhouses.

  8. @thirdtwin and @tonex

    I totally here you. I’m the first guy to hit the mute button when our imam or our wannabe mom in chief comes on the Telly. Their mission is to wear us all down with their incessant evil.

    Three months lads. Three months. It’s balls out time. Go Winston Churchill on these cubbies. We will fight them on the beaches. We will fight them yadda yadda. This is America’s finest hour.

    George Washington and his men had to face so much more than we do. Freezing. Starvation. Death.

    All we truly face is a down economy and George stephanopolous.

    And a treacherous Republican Party whose key dinosaurs are entering extinction.

    Time to revisit America at its bleakest hour from Thomas Paine. These are the times that try men’s souls….Summer soldiers and sunshine patriots. Is that who we are?

    Nobody who writes or reads this blog is. Sure. Sometimes things demoralize us. But after a period of reflection we redouble our commitment to our families and each other.

    Take a sip of Thomas Paine and tell me you aren’t interested in continuing the fight.

  9. These days, Good bloggers have to check many sources to “find” the truth… an example

    “We know that Russian intelligence services hacked into the DNC and we know that they arranged for a lot of those emails to be released and we know that Donald Trump has shown a very troubling willingness to back up Putin, to support Putin,” Clinton said in an interview with “Fox News Sunday.”

    It’s a hell of a thing if both presidential candidates are not good soild sources

  10. I wouldn’t trust the Communist/Clinton “News” Network, the WaPo, the NYTards, the HuffAndPuff Po, the LATards — if any or all of them were to tell me that water is wet, the sky is blue and the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. I would have to double and triple check and verify for myself.

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