Please tell me it’s a joke – IOTW Report

Please tell me it’s a joke

A friendship bracelet? Are you frigging kidding?

Honestly, when I first saw this I truly thought it was a joke. How could it not be a joke? Please tell me it’s a joke.

It’s not a joke.

joe biden friendship bracelet obama


SNIP: Uh… Was Joey away at camp this summer?

22 Comments on Please tell me it’s a joke

  1. Social media millennials and libtards from Seattle will faint at the simple yet sincere expression of friendship between the two most powerful men in America. Truly. I am waiting for it to pop up on my Facebook newsfeed.

  2. Am I the only one that thinks every night when Barry and Mike go to bed they high five each other and laugh their asses off about all the white brain dead people they’ve played for the last 71/2 years.

  3. This is a big, fucking deal. Love will win over hate; unity over division.

    Sure, it’s a little gay, too…two blasts from a 12-gauge gay. That’s how gay.

    My nigga Barack.

  4. i turned 55 a couple years ago……actually, i’m so old i can’t remember when i turned 55……i think it may have been when the year of my birth, 1953 – i do remember that much- and the current year added up to 55…..which, if my calculator is correct, would be somewhere around 2008…..

    i never got a medal for it at the time….now i’m sneaking up on 65 – just a few more years, if my calculator isn’t lying to me…..and i probably won’t get any medal for THAT either…..

    the only good thing about getting old is, you’re not dead….

    and, lots of the time, that’s not such a good thing, either…..

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