NIH To Begin Testing New Zika Vaccine On Humans – IOTW Report

NIH To Begin Testing New Zika Vaccine On Humans

( – The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced Wednesday the launch of a Phase 1 clinical trial to test a new Zika virus vaccine on humans, although the agency warned that it may be some time before the vaccine would be commercially available.

“The early-stage study will evaluate the experimental vaccine’s safety and ability to generate an immune system response in participants,” according to a press release accompanying the announcement.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) will carry out the clinical trial, testing the effects of the vaccine on 80 healthy participants between the ages of 18 and 35.  MORE

9 Comments on NIH To Begin Testing New Zika Vaccine On Humans

  1. Right, I need to get some government developed experimental vaccination because DDT was banned and being a pilar of the environmental movement no one will reverse that decision even though there is no evidence other than hysterical leftist propaganda that DDT is a super toxin that is going to destroy the earth.

  2. That quick to get a new vaccine developed and to human trials? Funny how drug companies have to spend billions and years to get drugs to that stage.

    Something smells fishy and I’m not talking about Rio’s feces filled waters.

  3. Vaccines take very little time to create. A live vaccine can be created in a few days, and it only requires a few tests to determine what part of the bug will create an immune response while being unable to reproduce.
    That is how we can have a new flu vaccine every year that responds to a flu strain that recently arrived.

  4. They always try for the hard answer instead of the easy one: they want to “cure” the disease instead of eradicating the original problem using something like DDT.
    It reminds me of the “space race”. The USA spent a million dollars to develop a pen that would write in outer space. The Russians took pencils.

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