Limbaugh: If Trump Is Truly Imploding — and I Don’t Think He Is — Then Why Is the Washington Establishment Panicking? – IOTW Report

Limbaugh: If Trump Is Truly Imploding — and I Don’t Think He Is — Then Why Is the Washington Establishment Panicking?

EIB: The entire Washington establishment, consisting of the Republican establishment, the Democrat establishment, the media establishment, the think-tank establishment — the entire political class — has arrayed every gun that it has at the Trump campaign, and they are firing both barrels 24/7. It is a breathtaking sight to behold, ladies and gentlemen. Why all of this panic?

No, no. Now, hear me out on this. I understand on the surface of it, it would make sense. You’ve got Republicans over here and their nominee is now ten points down, and is losing some of the battleground states. And, as a result of that, yeah. If the nominee were Romney, or if the nominee were Ryan and this were happening, you could understand the panic. But these establishment types have been in panic since Trump announced.

They’ve been in panic since Trump didn’t implode, and they have been openly expressing their opposition to Trump since the day Trump got in the race. And they’ve openly said that they want Hillary to win. Many of them have come out — some quoted, some not quoted, some publicly, some anonymously. The list keeps growing of Republican establishment types who say they can’t handle this anymore, they can’t deal with this anymore. “Its’ unacceptable. It’s too embarrassing, and they’ve got to go with Hillary.”

They always were going to go with Hillary! Why all of a sudden panic? Some of this doesn’t make any sense to me, because look: If the people in panic had started out supporting Trump, then I would understand this panic. But the people I’m talking about have been predicting what’s happening now from the get-go. They had predicted that there would be a Trump implosion. They predicted Hillary would run roughshod. This is part of their attempt to defeat Trump during the primary.

So, they want to get rid of Trump. Why aren’t they out there dancing? Why aren’t they celebrating?  MORE

12 Comments on Limbaugh: If Trump Is Truly Imploding — and I Don’t Think He Is — Then Why Is the Washington Establishment Panicking?

  1. “NOTHING” I hear coming out of Washington, from the RINO’s, or from the lamestream media can be believed! they all have made it clear they will do ANYTHING to upset Trump. so I will keep my resolve and vote for Donald no matter what they say. bunch of PC globalist socialist! Vote Trump or drink the Koolaid!

  2. “Because Biff is a loser….and losing bigtime. It’s too late now, but GOPe wants a refund.

    Rush is a ball-lapping lackey. And fat and stupid. ”

    Oh my. No surprise from the left. Obsessive guy obsessing. Rush not even in the story. Mr scared, bigoted, hates anyone not like himself, anonymous loser.

  3. Hey blind fool you are really impressive. In one short email you completely decimated Trump’s policies on defense, immigration, the economy, and every other important area. Your fearsome intelligence has no doubt convinced everyone on this site that Hillary’s policies are far superior. Soros should raise your pay from five cents per email to at least $.10 per email and skip your annual salary review.
    Your eloquence knows no bounds. Keep up the outstanding work.

  4. They’re panicking because it’s the media that says Trump is down 10 points, and they are using BS polls to try to prove it. The media is told what to print. Trump is speaking to packed stadiums, while Hitlery is speaking to high school auditoriums that they have to fill with students (who can’t vote) just so it looks like she has support.

    They’re panicking because they know that the public isn’t buying the line of shit that they’re trying to feed us, and it is scaring the living shit out of them. They know that when Trump takes office, that the gravy train is over, and they’ll have to actually start doing their jobs or they might find themselves dangling from a light pole or a tree.

  5. Um, I would like to find out how many people do not answer the pollsters who call them up. Specifically, I want to know the participation / compliance rate for all forms of opinion polling. I bet that it is somewhere in the range of thirty to sixty percent of people refusing to speak or give any information to the polling firms.

    Each time some pollster calls me, I demand to know who paid for the poll they are conducting. When they just only say they are calling me, then I get “testy” and tell them to disclose the identity of the person/company/organization that paid them to call me. When they say that they cannot divulge that information, then I say to them to forget my participation in their poll and hang up on them.

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