DHS employees fall for free Redskins ticket email sting – IOTW Report

DHS employees fall for free Redskins ticket email sting

WaEx: It’s the department most known for fighting cybercrime, but even the best efforts to educate workers at Homeland Security sometimes fall flat.

Secretary Jeh Johnson is the administration’s preacher on fighting cybercrime. It’s simple stuff, he said, like “not opening the email or the attachment of the email that looks suspicious to you or you don’t recog could make a difference.”

To help, his department has pushed companies to create anti-spear phishing campaigns.


Snip: RED SKINS???? Shouldn’t they also be in trouble for promoting racism??? Have they learned nothing during 0bama’s reign?

7 Comments on DHS employees fall for free Redskins ticket email sting

  1. Won’t Johnson be surprised when he goes to his graduation in December he discovers that the “Close Cover Before Striking School of Cosmetology” classes he signed up for were bogus. I guess the lure of a free post obongo administration career was just too alluring for him not to click on.

  2. I wonder what email drew Hillary to click on the attachment. We know she received phishing emails… she didn’t open the ones that referred to driving tickets (since she hasn’t driven in 30 years) but maybe some gay porn caught her interest.

  3. My company does internal shit like this. So instead of copying their internal phishing email back to the IT guys, I substitute a live horrendous virus back to ’em.

    They’ve asked me not to do this.

    I tell ’em they started it.

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