Hillary refers to Donald Trump as ‘my husband’ – IOTW Report

Hillary refers to Donald Trump as ‘my husband’

Inquisitr: Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appeared to call her rival Donald Trump “my husband” today during a speech outlining various policy proposals in which she caught herself perhaps just in time.

“The embarrassing gaffe came as she addressed the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists on Friday in Washington, D.C.,” the New York Post reported about Clinton’s first press conference or quasi-press conference in more than 200 days.

In what might or might not be a Freudian slip (see footage embedded below), Hillary Clinton punctuated her remarks with the following statement in which she seemed to confuse Bill with Donald.

“I hope you will compare what I’m proposing
to what my husb — my opponent is talking about…”


19 Comments on Hillary refers to Donald Trump as ‘my husband’

  1. I’m glad Trump is evolving. These aren’t just gaffes, this is her unable to function or read a Teleprompter. She is unfit and she can’t hide for 90 days if he stays on course.

  2. Trump needs to say something along the line of, “I can’t help what she is thinking”. That would rattle the hell out of her. And the media would be so outraged they wouldn’t be able to not talk about it. Some potential there.

  3. Wow, this is even wilder than the time Condoleezza Rice called Bush II her husband.

    BTW, Hillary’s slip may be Freudian. After all, Bill is a pauper next to Trump. And if any woman would marry for money, it’s Hillary.

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