Not all US Muslim soldiers are equal – IOTW Report

Not all US Muslim soldiers are equal

MichelleMalkin: Bronze Star and Purple Heart recipient Captain Humayun Khan died heroically. But his exceptional courage in Iraq and his Muslim father’s post-Democratic convention histrionics on TV do not erase the security threat posed by killer warriors of Allah infiltrating our troops.

Don’t take my word for it. Ask all the forgotten Gold Star moms and dads who have lost their children because politically correct pushovers at the Pentagon looked the other way at the Muslim military menace.

Don’t take my word for it. Just re-read the ignored warnings issued by Muslim soldier Nidal Hasan, the vengeful mass murderer who gunned down 13 service members — including a pregnant private first class who lost her life and her child — and wounded more than 30 others at Fort Hood in 2009.

Two years before his rampage, while a senior-year medical school resident in psychology, U.S. Army Major Hasan delivered a 50-slide PowerPoint presentation to classmates and military superiors at Walter Reed. It was titled “The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the U.S. Military.”  MORE

6 Comments on Not all US Muslim soldiers are equal

  1. What saddens me is that I cant help thinking. Had he lived, would kahn still be a hero, or would he be sharing a cell with Hasan? That is one of the things Islam provokes. A deep distrust of it’s members.

  2. The PC Lefties and Communists, Socialists, NWOists, Dhimmo and Repube elitists..all would be willing to accept final stage leprosy sufferers into their homes as the Politically Correct thing to do??? How about those suffering from Bubonic Plague? how about Antrax or bio-weapons? These lo-rent mfkkrs would NOT… so its ok for our Military to be exposed to deadly virulent extremists from within, but not their own families… CRUNT- THY NAME IS DISPICABLE!!

  3. Well, it would sure help if the ‘peaceful’ Muslims would denounce the terrorist Muslims.

    When we hear screaming jihadis praising Go
    their God, as they perform some of the most atrocious acts upon innocent men, women and children, it is difficult to see the difference.

    That is another reason the term Islamic Terrorists should be used, it would help us to seperate the two Islamic nations; Peaceful Muslims vs Terrorist Muslims.

  4. “That is another reason the term Islamic Terrorists should be used, it would help us to seperate the two Islamic nations; Peaceful Muslims vs Terrorist Muslims.”
    No such creature as a peaceful koranimal. Pisslam is at war with human civilization. They have been since mohamhead shat out his satanic verses.

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