#What Makes Hillary Short Circuit? – IOTW Report

#What Makes Hillary Short Circuit?

Here is just a sampling from Twitter
Colleen@col_nj  Anyone Who Might Know Just a Bit Too Much And Has The Ability To Speak About It.

@GrrrGraphics  Voters that have a Brain!

@zachhaller   Seeing every one of her thoughtless marketing ploys immediately backfire.
@_Makada_ The American People Want AMERICANISM NOT GLOBALISM!
@ViktorFiel  The fact that she can’t even fill up a library
@PrisonPlanet  Reporters asking unscripted questions literally causes seizures.
@Ricky_Vaughn99 Honest questions about her donors.

@RubberBlon...looking at Bill’s personal photo album.
@asamjulian  The truth.

@MissLizzyNJ   Russian hackers.

19 Comments on #What Makes Hillary Short Circuit?

  1. When you only have THREE brain cells working and one of them goes on the fritz and starts to short-circuit, it makes you flicker and break-dance standin’ up.

    And how ’bout that hole in her tongue? If she’s dippin’ Skoal or ‘Hagen, she’s DOINITWRONG.

  2. It’s called a Transverse sinus venous thrombosis –and is most likely the cause of her cough . The cough seems to have disappeared so my guess is they are medicating her with something to suppress her symptoms. As Hillary continues to demand Trump release his tax returns he should demand her to release her medical records –the fact no one reports on this is just more proof we are already living under communism

  3. Knowing that her opponent’s wife makes Huma look like a rat that just crawled out of the sewer.

    Knowing that her opponent got rich without having to lie, cheat, and steal, or kill everybody who got in the way.

  4. Well, FWIW I have a friend who is an Orthodox Jewish rabbi who had a pulpit for many years. He once told me, “Yonkers, do not underestimate the role that jealousy plays in human affairs. I see this all the time in my congregants.”

    Hillary has a burning, unyielding, white-hot jealousy of the Trumps. She desperately wants her family to be them–but she looks like a hot mess next to Melania, Bill doesn’t have Donald’s money, and Chelsea isn’t fit to pick up the poop of the beauteous Ivanka’s dog. I bet the Trump grandchildren (there are eight) are cuter than Charlotte and Aidan, too. And they don’t have these cutesy-poo, cookie-cutter yup sterling names, either.

    Hillary is SO irrelevant.

    TRUMP 2016.

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