DigitalTrends: A scandal is stirring up over Hampton Creek’s vegan-recipe mayonnaise substitute Just Mayo — and this one won’t wash clean so easily.

Eight months or more prior to a $90 million funding round backed largely by Silicon Valley investors, Hampton Creek launched an undercover campaign to boost demand artificially. Employees and contractors purchased massive quantities of Just Mayo at grocery stores across the U.S., according to Bloomberg, making it appear as though Americans were really taking to the bread spread.

Hampton Creek is backed by high-profile Silicon Valley investors Khosla Ventures, Founders Fund, and Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang, along with Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing, Bloomberg reports.

In addition to buying multiple jars of Just Mayo, workers were instructed to call grocery store managers to ask about the product… MORE

SNIP: As this story spreads, we’ll keep you covered.

14 Comments on MAYOGATE!

  1. Sooo this vegan crap is bad enough that they had to pay people to buy it. Best part is buy it at whole foods and pay 4x but it’s way more heathier. Progs is funny..

  2. FTFA: “were reimbursed for their Just Mayo purchases, which currently sells at Walmart for $3.48 for 30 ounces and at Whole Foods for $5.99 for 16 ounces


    ‘Whole Paycheck’ is not actually a joke, I guess.

  3. MM: Ingredients in Hellmans Mayo;soybean oil, water, whole eggs and egg yolks, vinegar, salt, sugar, lemon juice concentrate, calcium disodium EDTA, natural flavors.
    Ingredients in Just Mayo;Compressed Canola Oil, filtered water, lemon juice, white vinegar, organic cane sugar, pea protein, spices, modified corn starch, beta carotene, calcium disodium EDTA.

    Looks the same to me with the exception of eggs. They shouldn’t be calling it Mayo, because Mayo has eggs.

  4. I actually made a small batch of mayo using a recipe I found on the internet and my blender. It was really easy and I thought it turned out OK. I was interested in mayo without added sugar. I plan to do this again as my way of beating the system.

  5. Corporatist bastards ripping off the very flower of humanity! Why, we oughtta … wait, whut? Vegans? Like, from Vegas? Dood… Whole Foods? AW, mannn. Gots ta be a right wing conspiracy, yeah, that’s the ticket! My flower power sisters and brothers would never stoop to capitalist pig tactics, amirite?

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