Half the country not likely to participate in EPA’s clean energy plan – IOTW Report

Half the country not likely to participate in EPA’s clean energy plan

“As the states have repeatedly explained since the stay was entered, that means EPA and its agents possess no authority to require states take action regarding the Power Plan,” the letter said. “Indeed, EPA officials have acknowledged — as they must — that the agency cannot require states to take any action related to the Power Plan during the stay.”

Details here

6 Comments on Half the country not likely to participate in EPA’s clean energy plan

  1. Oh please. Any Federal employee who approaches me about my power usage is going to get punched in the face. My carbon footprint is lower than that of any of these Nazis pricks, and I don’t need some suit lecturing me about my irreparable harm to Gaia.

  2. The EPA was unconstitutionally foisted on us by Republican president Richard Nixon. Fsch you, Dick, and may you burn in Hell for either knowing what the effects would be and doing it anyway, or for being so blasted ignorant that you didn’t know what evil you were doing.

  3. I’ve been getting additional papers from my local electrical, gas, and water utilities (3 papers), along with my billing, that have been telling me, “You have been using more (electricity, gas, water) then your neighbors. Here are three graphs showing most efficient, your average neighbor, and YOU!”

    I wrote “letters” back to each one, telling them in effect, to “FUCK OFF”, don’t try to “shame” me, ain’t gonna work. They know nothing about my house size (one of the largest in the neighborhood, it was a “model home” when construction was starting), my household size or our day-to-day workings. Considering the hundreds of thousands of these papers mailed out monthly, with all the waste of paper, ink, electricity, computing power, man-hours, etc, when you want a rate hike, I’ll be SURE to tell the Rate Commission about this little stunt, and recommend a big, fat, hearty NO.

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