Kaine: $400 million cash payment to Iran was ‘appropriate’ – IOTW Report

Kaine: $400 million cash payment to Iran was ‘appropriate’

WaEx: Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine defended the Obama administration on Sunday amid new questions about a $400 million cash payment to Iran and whether it was ransom for the return of four American hostages.

“There was a legitimate claim against the United States. The United States bargained it down to a fraction. We’re making claims in international tribunals, and we’re having claims made against us all the time,” the Democratic vice presidential candidate told NBC News.

President Obama has pushed back on allegations that the cash delivered to Iran in January was a ransom payment. The payment was first reported by the Wall Street Journal last week and described as the initial installment in a $1.7 billion settlement reached between the two countries as part of the Iranian nuclear deal.


13 Comments on Kaine: $400 million cash payment to Iran was ‘appropriate’

  1. Appropriate?! I’ll tell you what would be appropriate, Kaine. It would be appropriate for your running mate to be involuntarily committed – to be institutionalized – because she’s a danger to herself and others, those others being the population of planet Earth in general and the U.S. in particular. Now that would be appropriate.

  2. Barack the Magnificent can always count on Dimwit Timmy for his daily tongue batheing. The Democrats have now turned every American into currency. Yeah. Dickcheese timmy. The dumbest governor Virginia ever had. And that’s saying something.

    Regarding the $400M, that was a deal struck by Iran between the shah and the president who betrayed him. The former championship belt holder for Worst President Ever, jimmy carter.

    Regarding dumbfuck kaine I confronted him face to face about the affordable care act when he was running for senate, asking if the affordable care act is so affordable, why are so many companies getting waivers? Answer: I don’t know about that. Even though it was in the news daily.

  3. @safety first. It’s your grandchildrens’ money.
    I hate to go all teaparty on you, but we borrowed the money that we gave to Iran for Operation Sellout.

    We’ll have to pay it back to China with intersect on the backs of future generations.

  4. if there was a legal and non corrupt method to conduct this seedy business with iran, the politicians, any politician would take the seedy non legal, non transparent method just because that’s what crooks do.

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