Even the 74 year old Communist who Clinton had to beat with a rigged primary is in better physical shape than unwell Hillary Clinton.


  1. I hope she gets physically better in the coming months. We need her as an insider on a rampage when she isn’t elected to knock out a chunk of the looney left on her way out. Heck, it would be an accomplishment at least.

  2. Rumor has it, Hillary wasn’t the democrat pick for president anyway. It’s some guy named “Law”. First name is “Martial”. Middle name: Valery Jarrett.

  3. I saw her take a header boarding a plane yesterday. She’s definitely not up to this-it can only become more evident as time wears on. The debates are going to be brutal.

  4. Trump ought to make her a deal. He’ll release his tax returns if Obama releases his Harvard and Princeton transcripts/file and Hillary releases her Medical Records.

  5. From the title “UNWELL HILLARY CLINTON NEEDS HELP UP STAIRS” I read that this was another discussion of her brain power and not leg power.

    Saw a post somewhere that her little brain farts are actually mini-orgasms and …damn, ewwww, sick…what the hell would give the old bat an O while on a stage in from of dozens of people?

    Clicked out of that page and I ran way. I’m never going surfing again.

  6. I don’t want a total meltdown until much too late to put in Joey or someone else.

    OBAMAPLEASE’s diagnosis seems quite on target. Couple that with her predilection to globalism/communism and wow – instant tyranny.

  7. Perspective, never occurred to me, but that very well may be something with her.

    I assumed the smiles were practiced cover for these “episodes”, but that makes more sense.

  8. @scr_north:

    I like your idea. Trump challenging Hillary to release her medical records in exchange for him releasing his tax returns is actually an idea that occurred to me last night. But inserting Obama for the trifecta really makes it fantastic.

    Only one thing, though. Obama never attended Princeton. Are you, God forbid, confusing him with Ted Cruz (B.A.,Class of 1992)?

  9. Wouldn’t it be something if she got up to speak to a crowd about how she’s the only person qualified to be president and she started muttering stuff like that reporter who was having some kind of stroke?

  10. I seem to recall a bunch of ageist jokes by the late night comedians about McCain during the 2008 election. McCain was the butt of jokes about incontinence, senility, erectile dysfunction, etc. because of his age. There was no end of speculation from the talking heads in the MSM about whether McCain was too old to be POTUS.

    Now, 8 years later, we have Killary who is only several months younger than McCain was when he ran. And, unlike McCain, she is showing obvious signs of ill health. Yet, the MSM is curiously incurious about Killary’s mental and physical breakdown. And the late night comedians can’t find a target rich environment presented by an old fogey who can’t pinch a loaf on a bathroom break during the allotted time at a debate. Who da thunk it.

  11. Is that the same black SS guy from a couple days ago, who had to hold her up at the podium and horse-whisper her back into the moment, after those hecklers triggered a seizure? I bet he has nursing home experience on his resume. Probably got him the job with SS.

  12. I saw a clip from several months ago of the h’beast going up a flight of stairs to get on a plane, and slipping and falling straight down like a ton of bricks. Most people would have stumbled and caught themselves, but she is too frail and fat. She can barely walk and god only knows what they have to pump her up with to ready her for a 60-min public appearance or debate etc. Would love to see a full list of all her meds.

  13. After the accusations against the Russians by Cankles. i will wager they are following her every move by satellite….i bet that gets her stirred up even more..they can report via wikileaks every crime this bitch commits and on record too….

  14. Both Clintons look like they have one foot in the grave. I wonder which on will die first. There is a chance neither will make it to November. That’s probably wishful thinking, but you never know.

  15. F.D.R. and the dems pretty much tried to hide his handicap. Fooking Bill celebrated F.D.R.’s handicap, Helliar is hiding hers -but not very well. Just speak out about it Helliar, or do you think this will bring “prejudice” against you?

  16. She’s about to Pupate.
    Her cravings for power are triggering and early chrysalis
    If she does ‘cycle’ early they will run a surrogate for appearances and try to get her to pause the process long enough for a debate.
    But once she is fully encased we have to wait until spring

  17. It is August and she’s wearing a big, long coat. Why? Those long coats certainly don’t flatter her short, dumpy, pear-shaped body. She’s hiding something under all of that fabric and it certainly isn’t her big fat azz.

  18. We are watching this ‘ thing ‘ self destruct.

    Larry Nichols recently gave an interview stating that during the syphylitic rapist’s
    governorship the witch used to travel monthly to Northern California to meet with her fellow
    Demon worshippers. The insiders were very nervous that this was info going to get out…..am sure one of the reasons dick morris is still breathing is that he has irrefutable proof about this.

    Nichols is on his last leg and is no doubt trying to cleanse himself before the end.

  19. Pure speculation on my part, but they must be pumping enough drugs into her to knock over an elephant, just to keep her upirght, (mostly).
    In the past, I’ve speculated that Hillary, if she wins the General election, will never make it past her first year in office, and that’s why we need to pay more attention to whomever is chosen to be her vice. Now, we know that’s Tim whatshisname. How does everyone feel about HIM riding the old Trojan Horse into the Oval office?

  20. Couple friends of mine where on the Secret Service presidential detail for Bush senior and Clinton. Beyond the fact that they continuously caught Stephanopoulos and the staff doing cocaine in the conference rooms the one comment that was a common denominator for the entire time that they worked at the White House was that Hillary Clinton was not only a falling-down drunk but an incredibly vicious individual who could never ever tell the truth.

  21. Interesting that this picture, taken in february 2016, surfaces now. what truly gets my goat is that there are six, seven government goons standing around who know this woman is not well.
    and they say nothing.

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