Imam Names Daughter ‘Jihad,’ Gets Deported from Italy – IOTW Report

Imam Names Daughter ‘Jihad,’ Gets Deported from Italy

CounterJihad: When it comes to Islamic terrorism, Italy doesn’t seem to be having as many problems as other major European powers, despite its sizable Muslim population of over two million people (3.7% of Italian population), expansive borders that have been exposed by Muslim immigration, and boasting a major target for jihadists.

Italy has experienced issues with Islamic radicalism, but Italian authorities oftentimes act swiftly – such was the case with Maria Giulia Sergio, known as ‘Lady Jihad,’ who persuaded her family into joining the Islamic State. (Sergio’s family was apprehended by anti-terror police after monitoring their conversations).

The same vigilance was applied in the recent deportation of a Moroccan Imam named Mohammed Madad whose sermons have allegedly been taking on a more “radicalized, violent and anti-Western tone[.]” This Salafist was so radical he felt the need to call one of his daughters ‘Jihad.’   MORE

9 Comments on Imam Names Daughter ‘Jihad,’ Gets Deported from Italy

  1. The Italians don’t take no mess.

    When I lived in Brooklyn, you could walk your dog at 4 a.m. in an Italian neighborhood. And nobody messes with the Mafia because they don’t find the death penalty to be “cruel and unusual” at all.

  2. While it’s good that they seem to be on the ball about controlling islamic jihadis, wouldn’t it be a hell of a lot safer just to never let the moslem bastards enter the country in the first place?

    As proven time after time, you can’t usually tell when a moslem is going to get all devout and go full-jihadi.

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