Canada: sharia compliant Summer camp – IOTW Report

Canada: sharia compliant Summer camp

In Ottawa, there are city pools that refuse to allow boys over the age of six to take part in what are described as women only family swims. During this time the men’s change room is locked, male lifeguards are taken off shift and sent to the office, and blinds are drawn so that no wandering male eyes are able to gaze on a woman swimming.

muslim woman swimming

These rules are there for Ottawa’s sizeable Muslim population, but the rules bear no resemblance to Canadian values.

MORE at CreepingSharia

11 Comments on Canada: sharia compliant Summer camp

  1. If it’s a “women only” swim, then how is it a “family” swim?

    And LBS is partially correct. I’d want to see the Chlorine Residue readings before I went into that water. Any public pool is supposed to take and record CR readings for public health inspectors.
    (FYI: Since you can’t read bacterial (etc) count directly, Chlorine Residue is used. After adding Chlorine to the water, and waiting a set amount of time, a sample of water is taken and read for Chlorine Residue, the amount of Chlorine left in the water after it does its work on the bacteria (etc). If the CR is too low, it indicates that there is still bacteria (etc) in the water. If it’s too high, it will affect your skin and give you the “trots” if you swallow any.

  2. Fat, filthy, mustachioed muslima sharmutas. No normal person wants to swim in the same water as them and their mutilated, incontinent genitalia.

    Just wondering, is it sexual frustration from their clitorectomies that causes them to eat their way to obesity or do they cultivate that layer of fat to better absorb the blows from when their husband puts a beating on their azz.

  3. They couldn’t swim with all that wet burlap weighing them down. They should just invest in their own bath tub at home and stop contaminating swimming pools.

  4. I remember swimming in the city pool at the park when I was a kid. They wouldn’t let you in if you were wearing cut-offs because the loose cotton strings clogged up the pool filters.
    These folks should do the same; goat hair (same as their leg and armpit hair) has to be a real bitch on those pool filters.

  5. I’m a little fuzzy on this but what are they afraid someone is going to see? They are wearing the same bodybags they wear around town and to public beaches, are they not? I think they overestimate the general desire of the swimming public to see them in said bodybags, wet or dry, per LBS, above.

  6. This isn’t something new. Years ago (well, decades really but I am getting more age sensitive) the Plant Bath in Ottawa down on Preston Street (indoor public pool) used to have women only nights and men only nights. As I recall on the women only nights the woman could bring their kids in only if they were, well, kids of a young age. Not sure what that age is. I moved away from Ottawa a long, long time ago and I think the Plant Bath was torn down around 20 or 25 years ago. I don’t know whether the practice was stopped long ago or continued at other public pools but I really don’t think this is a case of creeping Sharia.

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