Israeli company that fenced in Gaza wants to build Trump’s wall – IOTW Report

Israeli company that fenced in Gaza wants to build Trump’s wall

NBP: Magal Security Systems Ltd. made its name by building Israel’s fence around the Gaza Strip, and now the company sees a potential business opportunity by helping build Republican nominee Donald Trump’s proposed wall on the U.S-Mexico border.

CEO Saar Koursh is unabashedly interested in Trump’s proposal to build a wall along the 2,000 mile U.S.-Mexican border. A Trump presidency could be an extremely lucrative opportunity for the successful business.

“We would join forces with a major U.S. defense company that has experience with such projects worldwide,” Koursh told Bloomberg in an interview. “We’ve done it in the past and we would definitely want to do it.”  MORE

SNIP: Check out Magal Security Systems Ltd. 
If you see a fence you like, speak up.

13 Comments on Israeli company that fenced in Gaza wants to build Trump’s wall

  1. OT: watching Baltimore’s mayor speak at a press announcement re: DOJ report on Baltimore police, and all I can think is “Get your white-punk rock-appropriated hair out of your eye!”

  2. That’s the way to do it.

    We need an Israeli solution to TSA also. Israel is the expert on dealing with terrorists — they are surrounded by moslems who want them dead.

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