Hillary campaign throws out free t-shirts to energize crowd – IOTW Report

Hillary campaign throws out free t-shirts to energize crowd

The crowd looked super *yawns* excited!

AmericanMirror: Hillary Clinton’s campaign resorted to throwing out free t-shirts to show some energy for their candidate.

“We have free t-shirts for y’all, but I need you to make some noise for Hillary,” the staffer said, goading the crowd to cheer.    Watch:


 I wonder what the T-shirts say?

22 Comments on Hillary campaign throws out free t-shirts to energize crowd

  1. Smudge, to be fair, she WAS the first lady of Arkansas.

    Not using y’all would be weird.

    I know I was alone in saying y’all when I moved to Wisconsin at 17 and pointed out to the girls in school that they weren’t “guys”, so why are they saying “you guys”?

    4 months later I was using “you guys”.

    I had to quickly force myself back to using y’all when I moved back to Texas 6 years later. I was in sales and no one believed I was a native Texan – lost sales from that. Got called a Yankee and doors were shut.

  2. Oh man, can you imagine if someone with the money and the balls actually created “NOPE” Hillary T-shirts and mixed them up with the real ones. How many of the dumb bastards would just put them on and the media couldn’t hide it. America would be laughing out loud and Trump would go up a couple of points just on that.

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