Report: Clinton’s jobs push as senator fell flat, helped donors – IOTW Report

Report: Clinton’s jobs push as senator fell flat, helped donors

FOX: Hillary Clinton’s jobs record as a New York senator – which her campaign has made a centerpiece of her pitch to voters – is coming under fresh scrutiny, with a new report claiming her economic initiatives fell flat for workers, while benefiting deep-pocketed donors.

The Washington Post report found that, as a senator from 2001-2009, the now-Democratic presidential nominee was unable to pass “big ticket legislation” that she introduced to benefit upstate New York, as job growth stagnated and manufacturing jobs fell by almost 25 percent.

The Post cites U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers showing upstate New York lost jobs during Clinton’s first term, with Albany losing more than 31,000 payroll jobs between October 2001 and December 2006.

Former officials told the Post that smaller-scale projects also fell flat despite positive news coverage, with jobs failing to materialize and others leaving the state ahead of her failed 2008 presidential run.   MORE

5 Comments on Report: Clinton’s jobs push as senator fell flat, helped donors

  1. “Former officials told the Post that smaller-scale projects also fell flat despite positive news coverage, with jobs failing to materialize and others leaving the state ahead of her failed 2008 presidential run.”
    Translation– positive new coverage of Cankles job score = outright lies and obfuscation….typical Clinton doublespeak and lies… Clinton News Network will distort and twist the truth no matter who is checking them…its their right as the 4th plot (estate) in the Clinton Cementery…the world knows she is a liar and Cankles has NO credibility anywhere on earth…. Dump this sick demented person….

  2. Jobs record? hilLIARy? She has no success in promoting jobs or economic growth. She knows nothing about the economy, business, or economics. Everything she touches turns into a failure and then with someone explaining that although hilLIARy may have violated the law, she won’t be prosecuted. She, like all democrat / communists run on pure ideology and hatred. She would be an absolute disaster for the nation and continue the obama legacy of failure, hatred, debt, and misery.

  3. Why would the blithering idiot ever concern herself with jobs after all Crazy Joe has been in charge of job creation for the past 7 1/2 years! Can’t be anything left to do!

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