Wikileaks hack shows that Soros called the shots on US policy toward Albania – IOTW Report

Wikileaks hack shows that Soros called the shots on US policy toward Albania

AT: Who was in charge of U.S. foreign policy when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state?  That is a legitimate question to consider in light of the most stunning revelation yet mined from the Wikileaks hack.  George Soros is suggesting an intervention in domestic Albanian politics, and getting his way!

Kyle Olsen of the American Mirror spotted the incriminating email chain:

13 Comments on Wikileaks hack shows that Soros called the shots on US policy toward Albania

  1. Let’s say you’re in charge of the State Dept. But not really, you’re just there to make money and build power for yourself.

    So something happens some place you can’t point to on a map, being done by people you’ve never heard of.

    Then you get an email from somebody who has been a source of cash for a long time suggesting action along particular lines.

    It ain’t exactly an ethical dilemma what you’re going to do.

    This is EXACTLY the kind of favors cash buys you when you help get a politician either placed or elected.

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