96 Percent Of Hillary’s Charitable Donations In 2015 Went To Clinton Foundation – IOTW Report

96 Percent Of Hillary’s Charitable Donations In 2015 Went To Clinton Foundation

DailyCaller: Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill deducted $1,042,000 in charitable contributions last year — $1 million of which went to their own family non-profit, the Clinton Family Foundation.

Clinton released her tax forms on Friday in a move that is seen as a way to pressure Donald Trump to release his taxes. The GOP nominee has refused to release the records, saying that he is under a routine audit.

The documents show that the power couple earned $10,745,378 last year, mostly on income earned from giving public speeches.

Of that, they gave just over a million to charity. But the contributions can hardly be seen as altruistic, since the money flowed back to an entity they control.

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10 Comments on 96 Percent Of Hillary’s Charitable Donations In 2015 Went To Clinton Foundation

  1. Yet AG Loretta SkankBlossom, the DOJ, the FBI, and BarkyBitch won’t lift a finger to even investigate her…this calls for uprisings…riotings,….and hunting down the perps…the corruption is absolute, and reaches the White Hut and bent round office…you cannot spin this into ignore and go away, Cankles and Loretta…times UP, bitches!!!!

  2. How is this different from the corporations avoiding taxes by moving off shore to more tax friendly nations? The Clinton’s don’t mind avoiding taxes when they can, so why is it not right for corporations to do the sam Give me a break…I need a foundation/tax exemption of my own. What elitists the Clintons are!

  3. Does the act of removing 20 bucks from my wallet and putting it into my left front pocket constitute a charitable donation?

    Burn This house down and shoot the vermin as they scatter.

  4. Remember when the Knee-Pad “News” Media went nutz with the false narrative that “Romney didn’t pay his taxes”??
    Here we have the Clintons and their massive “non-profit” foundation that gives juuuuuust enough to call it a “charity” (I´m sure the underwear donation put it over the edge) so they don´t have to pay taxes on it!
    Tell the media isn’t bought an paid for!

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