PHOTOS: Hillary Clinton’s protective wall around Chappaqua estate – IOTW Report

PHOTOS: Hillary Clinton’s protective wall around Chappaqua estate

Gee, those don’t look like bridges, hillary.

AM: Hillary Clinton doesn’t miss an opportunity to ridicule Donald Trump’s illegal immigration solution of a wall on the southern border — but that’s exactly what she’s deployed to keep undesirables away from her.

“First of all, as I understand him, he’s talking about a very tall wall, a beautiful tall wall, the most beautiful tall wall, better than the Great Wall of China, that would run the entire border,” Clinton riffed in March.

“He would somehow magically get the Mexican government to pay for it. It’s just fantasy.”

A series of photos reveal a massive barrier running the entire border of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s estate in Chappaqua, New York — undoubtedly intended to keep the unwashed masses away from the political elites.  MORE

8 Comments on PHOTOS: Hillary Clinton’s protective wall around Chappaqua estate

  1. Yawn, Hillary Rotten Clinton is a hypocrite. Don’t we already know this? And if it is news to you, wake up.
    She wants to curtail your 2A rights, all the while being protected by a Secret Service detail that is fully armed.
    She supports abortion but coos and fusses over her own unaborted child and her two unaborted grandchildren.

  2. This would make a great Trump commercial. If he would ever air a commercial. Watching the Olympics. Lots of Hillary commercials, but not a single One for Trump (that I have seen yet, maybe I missed them). Same for
    Local TV. What the hell is going on?

  3. I suspect the secret service (read tax payer) paid for those wall. Just like the government (read tax payer) pays to stay there, which just happens to be enough to make the payments. In other words, the clintons are getting it for free.

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