Black Lives Matter: The Kardashians Are Racist – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter: The Kardashians Are Racist

DailyCaller: A prominent Black Lives Matter activist said celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry and Chrissy Teigen are misappropriating black style and disrespecting the black community when they wear their hair in “boxer braids.”

kardashian braided hair

“Banking on blackness is a shameful enterprise, and the Kardashians are no better than racist judges, prison officials and corporations who make money off the incarceration of black bodies,” Matthews told The Daily Caller.

Matthews said black hair is “ritualistic, a sacred experience black women share with one another dating back to pre-colonial times.”  MORE

SNIP:   Of all the things to be mad at a Kardashian about, she picks their BRAIDED HAIR? Bitch, please.

Every culture on this planet has worn braids. Buy an encyclopedia.

34 Comments on Black Lives Matter: The Kardashians Are Racist

  1. Can’t wear dreadlocks. Can’t wear braids. Can’t wear an afro. Guess we can’t go bald either. These fucking idiots steal everything from other cultures, claim it for themselves, then claim victimhood when whitey uses it.

    Ok, fine. From this day forward, every nigger in America can’t wear clothes, They can’t speak english, they can’t drive cars, they can’t wear shoes, they can’t live in buildings (except mud and shit huts, they can’t watch TV, or listen to the radio, or they are guilty of cultural appropriation. Unless it was created or invented by a nigger, it’s cultural appropriation.

  2. ” the Kardashians are no better than racist judges, prison officials and corporations who make money off the incarceration of black bodies,”
    Hmmmm…. Then the logical response should be ” STOP COMMITTING SO MUCH EFFING CRIME, YOU THROW-BACKS. LESS CRIMES COMMITTED = LESS INCARCERATED BLACK BODIES! I know, higher math than they are used to….

  3. I’m sooooooo fuckin sick of coons!

    You feed em, you let em live … and what do they do?
    They eat the weatherstripping off the door!
    They shit on the front porch!
    They fight over the free shit you give em!
    They prowl around in the middle of the night scaring the birds!
    They bring their whelps around and teach them to get free shit!
    The males fuck the females, and then run off – never providing any guidance or support to the litters they leave behind!

    Fuck em! They need to go back into the woods, where they belong!

    Wait … what did you think I’m referring to?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. That’s what they’re hoping and pushing for. The radicals, starting with the Black one in the White House are ramping up the vitriol and violence by calling anything at all “racist” in hopes of starting a race war. We’ve watched almost eight years of fabricated racism being pushed on our society by these Communist malcontents whipping up the flames of hatred through false accusations and narratives and just as predicted it is ratcheting up even more as we get closer to the election. Martial law may be right around the corner unless Blacks realize they’re being used as pawns (once again) and get a grip on their own, because if they don’t it won’t be good for anyone!

  5. The Kardashians are cultural sub-mutants who engulf everything and everyone that they come close to. It’s their genetic structure and they can’t seem to control themselves… especially around those who identify as “black” with boatloads of money.

  6. LOL! This may surprise you, but I am deep into celeb gossip. Remember how yesterday I was saying that growing up, I read all my parents’ magazines? Well, my celeb gossip thang is genetic–I get it from my mother, who never missed an issue of “Photoplay” or “Silver Screen.” In 1964, at the age of 7, I was the world’s leading expert on why Elizabeth Taylor ditched Eddie Fisher for Richard Burton.

    Getting annoyed by the Kardashians’ HAIR? Oh, that’s a good one! (Dials 911 for emergency treating for injuries sustained ROTFLMFAO.) It’s more like the Kardashians have appropriated the entire ghetto LIFESTYLE that I see daily in my work at Family Court.

    For all their wealth and privilege, the Kardashians seem to have all the worst dysfunctions of my dirt-poor, marginalized court clientele, to wit: confused paternity (Khloe Kardashian Mason Disick), out-of wedlock births (Mason, Penelope, and Reign Disick; North West), multiple marriages (Kris Kardashian, Kim Kardashian-West), and child neglect (Kylie Jenner).

    Anybody who thinks the Kardashians are not culturally relevant needs to rethink his opinion. Our culture sucks, and they have become it’s sad standard-bearer.

  7. “Banking on blackness is a shameful enterprise”

    Somebody better tell Jackson, Sharpton, the BLM, most black/Dem politicians, and everyone else making a fortune lying to the folks in the hood about how much they’re going to do for them in exchange for trust and votes.

  8. Does Matthews use indoor plumbing? Reheat food in a microwave? Use a cell phone? Computer? Ever had a vaccination? Use Tylenol? Watch television? Use electricity? I sure hope not because that would be appropriation. What a damn hypocrite!

  9. A little history of hair braiding

    Is it Scandinavian cultural appropriation when someone black dyes their hair blonde?
    There are a lot of black celebrities out there appropriating if so. What color is Beyonce’s hair this week.

    I remember black female friends getting cussed out by other blacks years ago for trying light hair colors and blue or green contact lenses.
    People make my ample unappropriated arse sore.

    That reminds me of a rude Polish joke. How do you tell the bride at a Polish wedding? She’s the one with her underarm hair braided.

  10. Left Coast Dan,
    Don’t forget speaking anything other than their homeland’s language, doing math, wearing Western clothes, using electricity, driving cars, motorcycles, flying in planes, living in anything better than a hut, using steel, gun powder, and and and…

  11. Stop using white man’s clothes, shoes, cars, cell phones, silverware, and food. And stop using products to make your hair look like white people’s hair. In fact, go back to Africa and be black over there.

  12. “Buy an encyclopedia.”

    Yes. Then select the heaviest volume and, since you won’t be able to read it with any comprehension (if at all) just hit yourself repeatedly in the head with it until you pound some FUCKING SENSE into your head. Thank you.

  13. Eh, let ’em have at the Kardashians. They’re a bunch of untalented, perverted prostitutes who managed to turn a sex tape [that they leaked on purpose btw] into a multimillon dollar empire. And it wasn’t because there were crafty, it was because the american public is STUPID.

  14. ho72, Who are you talking to – who isn’t making sense to you? What is it you don’t understand? The fact that the black culture doesn’t own braids, or something else?

  15. All of you racist people in this thread are dumb and ignorant. Y’all have to hate black people just to feel better about your shitty lives.
    Also you go back where you came from because unless you are Native American YOU don’t belong here either.
    Have fun being hateful though!

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